The Process Manual
Create column guides 1. Set column guides by selecting Layout > Margins and Columns . 2. In the dialog, enter the number of columns you wish to create on the page. Set the space between columns, usually one pica. Click OK . If you will be adding pages to the document and want all pages to have the same column structure, go to the Master Pages by double-clicking the A-Master in the Pages palette (Window > Pages) and follow the instructions above for setting your column guides. Change the folio text and add folio artwork Folios on the master template are placed on the master pages. To make changes or additions to the folio: 1. Double-click on the A-Master in the Pages palette (Window > Pages) . 2. To make it easier to work with the folio, zoom into the folio area by selecting the Zoom tool and clicking on the folio, or use the Zoom tool to draw a marquee around the folio text. 3. Select the Type tool and highlight the folio text. Type in the text you want for your folio. If you do not want folio text to appear on your pages, delete the text block. 4. Decide on the font and font size for your folio. Change folios on the Master Pages by using the Character palette (Type > Character) or by going to Type > Font and Type > Size. If you want any artwork to accompany your folio, this is a good time to place it. If you will be using a piece of Walsworth’s ClikArt, locate it under the Walsworth ClikArt tab in Support Download. 1. Your cursor will become a loaded graphic cursor. Click where you want to place the graphic. 2. Use the Selection tool to move the folio artwork into position. 3. If the artwork needs to be resized, click with the Direct Selection tool to select it, then click on any of the handles with the Direct Selection tool while you hold down the Shift key. When you drag to resize the graphic, it will resize proportionally. See the Working with Graphics section for more information on resizing graphics. Note that the graphic frame will remain the same size. You may either resize the frame manually or select it with the Selection tool and choose Object > Fitting > Fit Frame to Content.
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