The Process Manual
TABLE > The selections in this menu involve using InDesign tables. This is not a feature of InDesign commonly used in yearbook production. VIEW > • Zoom In/Zoom Out Increases or decreases the amount of magnification to a specific amount. • Fit Page in Window Shows the entire current page in the window. • Fit Spread in Window Shows the entire current spread in the window. • Actual Size Shows your page at 100%. • Entire Pasteboard Shows the document and the entire pasteboard area. The pasteboard is the area outside of your actual page layout. You can drag an item to the pasteboard to store it. • Optimized Display This option will hide all of the images and graphics placed on your page to make InDesign work faster. • Typical Display This option will display low-resolution views of all images and graphics placed on your page. It is the default display setting. • High Quality Display This option will display images and graphics at the highest quality possible. Choosing this option can lead to reduced performance. • Hide/Display Master Items Shows or hides all items on the master pages of the document. • Hide/Show Text Threads Hides or shows arrows that illustrate how text threads are linked. • Hide/Show Frame Edges Hides or shows the outside lines of any text or image frames on the page. • Hide/Show Rulers Hides or shows the rulers at the top and left of your workspace. • Hide/Show Guides Hides or shows any guides that are dragged out of the rulers. • Lock Guides When this command is activated, ruler guides will be locked and cannot be moved. • Snap to Guides When this command is turned on, text or graphics will snap automatically to guides that are on the page. • Hide/Show Baseline Grid Hides or shows the baseline grid view, which consists of horizontal lines that help align columns of text. • Hide/Show Document Grid Hides or shows the page grid used to align page elements. • Snap to Document Grid When this command is activated, text or graphics will snap automatically to the document grid.
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