The Oklahoma Bar Journal September 2023

KUDOS John J. Foley received the 2023 James Waite Mahoney Award pre sented by the State Bar of Arizona Juvenile Law Section. The award is presented annually to a per son who provided distinguished meritorious service to the Juvenile Law Section. Mr. Foley is the for mer head of the Juvenile Division of the Oklahoma County District Attorney’s Office and was the first general counsel of the Office of Juvenile Affairs. He currently lives and practices in Phoenix. Nick Atwood has joined The Counselors of Real Estate. The international organization is com prised of professionals who pro vide expert advice and guidance on complex real estate matters. Mr. Atwood, a partner at the law firm of Ritchie Rock & Atwood, practices in the areas of property law, eminent domain law, general civil litigation, business law, bank ing law, municipal law, family law and tribal law.

Irving L. Faught , a 58-year OBA member, has published Oklahoma Business and Commercial Law through Matthew Bender. He is the author of Oklahoma Business Organizations: Formation and Representation (Lexis/Matthew Bender, 1990 – supplemented annually through 2010), a practice manual for lawyers concerning material specific to Oklahoma corporate, partnership, limited liability companies and securities law. Mr. Faught is an adjunct pro fessor of law at the OCU School of Law. Moira C.G. Watson , of the Oklahoma City office of Hall Estill, co-authored the “Commercial Law” chapter. The publication is available for purchase at

Melissa Handke was appointed by Gov. Stitt to serve as district attorney for the 20th Judicial District. The district includes Carter, Johnston, Love, Marshall and Murray counties. Prior to her appointment, Ms. Handke served as the first assistant district attor ney for the 20th Judicial District since 2021 and as assistant district attorney since 2015. In these roles, she prosecuted one-third of all criminal cases for the district and oversaw judicial district and Child Support Office personnel. She has worked for firms covering all areas of the law. AT THE PODIUM David H. Herrold spoke at the In-House Counsel 101 session of the Advanced In-House Counsel Course in San Antonio. This seminar is hosted annually by the State Bar of Texas. Mr. Herrold spoke about the nuances of the attorney-client privilege as it exists between in-house lawyers and their corporate employer clients. HOW TO PLACE AN ANNOUNCEMENT: The Oklahoma Bar Journal welcomes short articles or news items about OBA members and upcoming meetings. If you are an OBA member and you’ve moved, become a partner, hired an associate, taken on a partner, received a promotion or an award or given a talk or speech with statewide or national stature, we’d like to hear from

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you. Sections, committees and county bar associations are encouraged to submit short stories about upcoming or recent activities. Honors bestowed by other publications ( e.g., Super Lawyers, Best Lawyers , etc.) will not be accepted as announcements. (Oklahoma-based publications are the exception.) Information selected for publication is printed at no cost, subject to editing and printed as space permits.

Hailey Boyd Communications Dept. Oklahoma Bar Association 405-416-7018

Articles for the November issue must be received by Oct. 1.

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