The Oklahoma Bar Journal September 2022

Y oung L awyers D ivision

The Young [ sic ] Lawyer’s Division By Dylan D. Erwin

I F I HAD A DIME FOR EVERY time over the last seven years a young lawyer has walked up to me and asked how they can get involved in the YLD, I would have … a lot of dimes. Enough dimes to never worry about gas prices ever again. This metaphorical dime col lecting, coupled with the impend ing YLD elections (see the excellent article penned by the one and only April Moaning in last month’s bar journal), made me realize there may be some of you out there reading this article who are eager to get involved in the YLD but not necessarily ready to take the full plunge and throw your hat in the ring when elections roll around next year. If you’re one of those people, this article is for you. The YLD is a unique division within the OBA. You are auto matically a member simply by existing and practicing law. Under Article 2.1 of the YLD Bylaws, “[a]ll members of the Oklahoma Bar Association in good standing who were first admitted to the practice of law in any jurisdiction 10 years ago or less” are eligible. In that respect, the term “young” is a bit misleading – as it identifies the vintage of the attorney rather than the age of the individual. “Well, that’s great, Dylan,” you say, “But what does that mean?” Excellent question. As an OBA member eligible to be an active par ticipant in YLD activities, you have several ways you can contribute.

is automatically a member of the YLD and is eligible to vote. Please take a moment to read the candidate information and vote; voting is a quick and easy process. Voting for YLD elections is conducted by electronic ballot, which will be emailed to you Oct. 3. You may cast your vote any time before midnight, Oct. 17. To ensure you receive a ballot, verify the OBA roster contains your current email address. You may do so by logging in to MyOKBar or by calling the OBA Membership Department at 405-416-7080. If you do not receive a ballot, email

The best way to get an idea of what’s going on and how you can help is by attending our monthly meetings. As a body, the YLD has elected to have 11 monthly meetings throughout 2022. Our most recent meeting (recent to this writer, and not necessarily to you, the reader) was in conjunction with the 2022 July bar exam, and YLD members put together BESKs (bar exam survival kits) contain ing such essentials as Tylenol, ear plugs and extra pencils. Our three remaining meetings will be held Sept. 24 and Oct. 22 at the Oklahoma Bar Center at 10 a.m. and in November in conjunction with the OBA Annual Meeting. These meetings are an excellent way to stay informed and an excellent way to meet other young attorneys from around the state. I’m sure I’ve said it before, but I have no issue repeating that my involvement with the YLD has been one of the most fulfilling professional choices I’ve made over the course of my career. I encourage you to join us and get involved. If you have any ques tions, do not hesitate to contact me or any other board member. It is now the duty of YLD members to select those who will ultimately lead. Please look at the candidates in your district, and don’t forget to vote! Remember: Every lawyer who was first admit ted to the practice of law in any jurisdiction within the past 10 years


2023 Chair

Caroline M. Shaffer Siex Caroline Shaffer Siex is a December 2016 gradu ate of the TU College of Law. She cur

rently works at Gibbs Armstrong Borochoff PC, handling civil liti gation, nursing home defense and family law matters. Ms. Shaffer Siex has served the OBA as a member of the YLD Board of Directors since 2017 and as the YLD Hospitality chair from 2018 to 2019. In 2020,

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