The Oklahoma Bar Journal September 2022
PROPOSED RULE CHANGE BY COMMITTEE ON JUDICIAL ELECTIONS The board passed a motion to approve filing an application to the Supreme Court to approve the proposed rule change that would require committee members involved in current judicial cam paigns to recuse themselves in the event a complaint is filed against a judge or candidate seeking elec tion to judicial office. INTERNSHIP COMMITTEE Governor White delivered the report and described the contri butions to the delivery of skilled and affordable legal services in Oklahoma. The committee will this year acknowledge the service provided by licensed legal interns through the establishment of the Licensed Legal Intern of the Year Award, to be presented in con junction with the Annual Meeting in November. ANNUAL JULY REPORT OF LICENSED LEGAL PRESIDENT’S APPOINTMENTS The board passed a motion to approve the appointment of Alissa Dawn Preble Hutter, Norman, to complete the unexpired term of Jimmy Oliver, Stillwater, with a term expiring Dec. 31, 2022.
evictions that is being prepared for presentation to the Board of Governors at an upcoming meet ing. The report will cover topics such as geographic inequalities, habitability and issues related to proper notice. Governor Rochelle said the Disaster Response & Relief Committee is currently working with ABA Disaster Response to respond and provide available assistance to residents of several Oklahoma counties that were recently declared a disaster by FEMA due to June flooding. Governor Conner said the Awards Committee is reviewing nomina tions for the 2022 OBA Awards in advance of their August meeting. President Hicks said the Clients’ Security Fund Committee recently met. He also said the Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program Committee recently met and continues work ing to expand meetings beyond metro areas. President-Elect Hermanson said the Membership Engagement Committee met and discussed a planned campaign to increase Fastcase usage among OBA members to ensure they are getting the most out of their OBA membership. Vice President Pringle said the Legislative Monitoring Committee is plan ning its annual Legislative Debrief for Aug. 11, and the event has been approved for MCLE. Governor Smith reported by email the Diversity Committee has met and is finalizing details related to the 2022 Diversity Awards and Annual Diversity Awards Dinner to be held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting in November. The committee will also host a summer CLE with speaker Professor Danné Johnson and an LSAT bootcamp later this year or early in 2023.
President Hicks reviewed upcom ing bar-related events, including the ABA Annual Meeting, Aug. 3-9, Chicago; the Sheep Creek Event hosted by the Pontotoc County Bar Association, Aug. 13; the Board of Governors joint board event with the Tulsa County Bar Association, Aug. 18, Tulsa; Boiling Springs Legal Institute, Sept. 20, Woodward; Swearing-In Ceremony for new admittees, Sept. 27, Oklahoma Judicial Center, Oklahoma City; OBA Women in Law Conference, Sept. 30, Civic Center Music Hall, Oklahoma City; and the OBA Annual Meeting, Nov. 2-4, Oklahoma City Convention Center, Oklahoma City. NEXT BOARD MEETING The Board of Governors met in August, and a summary of those actions will be published in the Oklahoma Bar Journal once the minutes are approved. The next board meeting will be at 10 a.m. Friday, Sept. 16 at the Oklahoma Bar Center in Oklahoma City.
Executive Director Williams described the lease agreement with the Council on Judicial Complaints that occupies space within the Oklahoma Bar Center and said the lease is being executed.
56 | SEPTEMBER 2022
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