The Oklahoma Bar Journal October 2024
F rom the P resident
better pursue our goals. The OBA has a lot to do every day, but we need an overarching vision to make sure we are all pulling in the same direction. Thank you to the Board of Governors and staff who took their valuable time to help create this doc ument. I am excited about the future of the OBA. I hope you are too!
The OBA’s prior strategic plan was approved in 2005 and supple mented by the work of the Strategic Planning Task Force in 2010. Given the passage of time, the induction of new leaders and changes in the landscape of our profession, it was this board’s belief that it was time for a refresh. While our creating purpose and principles remain the same, our practices must adjust with the times. The new strategic plan is intended to be a living document. It should help future boards hold the organization accountable and
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New members may have different needs than mid- or late-career attor neys. Other goals include address ing technological changes, ensuring financial stability and seeking practical solutions to the challenge of legal deserts. The strategic map that accompanies this article demon strates the work that was accom plished during the session. When finalized, this map will guide lead ership and staff in decision-making as well as prioritizing our various activities and initiatives.
OCTOBER 2024 | 63
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