The Oklahoma Bar Journal October 2024
At ReMerge, Jakeria found a sup portive environment that provided the tools and resources to change her life. Through programs focused on parenting, substance abuse recovery and personal development, she was able to address the issues that led to her current situation. In January 2024, Jakeria’s hard work paid off. Her DHS case was closed, and she was reunited with her children, who are now thriv ing together. Her journey under scores the importance of second chances and demonstrates the impact that comprehensive sup port programs can have on indi viduals and their families. Jakeria offers these words of encouragement for mothers facing similar struggles: “Stay strong and don’t get discouraged. Fight through the negative thoughts. Without the tools and skills I learned at ReMerge, I wouldn’t have my kids back. There is light at the end of the
Cookies, you are not just getting sweet treats, you are investing directly in a ReMerge mother’s job skill development, sense of pur pose and future career success. Learn more and shop the cookies at
tunnel – you may not see it but don’t give up. Kids need their moms.” Jakeria’s story, while unique, is representative of many parents who find themselves caught in the cycle of incarceration and family separation. By providing holistic support and a pathway to rehabilitation, programs like ReMerge offer not only hope but tangible outcomes that benefit individuals, families and communi ties. The success of these programs
highlights the need for continued investment in initiatives that support family reunification and rehabilita tion, ensuring that more families can experience the joy of reunification and the promise of a brighter future. You can support programs like ReMerge and bring justice home for families by giving to the OBF Community Partners Campaign. For more information, visit
Pursuant to Article IV, Section 2 of the bylaws of the Oklahoma Bar Foundation (OBF), the following OBF members have been nominated by the 2024 Nominating Committee to serve on the OBF Board of Trustees: Chance Holland, Oklahoma City; Hannah Whitten, Oklahoma City; and Christa Rogers, Tulsa. They have been nominated for three-year terms from 2025-2027. Any group of 25 or more Partners for Justice (formerly Fellows) may submit the name of a member of the OBF as an additional nominee by submitting a petition duly signed by said Partners and submitted to the OBF Executive Committee no later than 10 days after the nomination slate is published in the Oklahoma Bar Journal . Nominating petitions can be mailed to Renee DeMoss, Executive Director, Oklahoma Bar Foundation, P.O. Box 53036, Oklahoma City, OK 73152-3034, or delivered to 1901 N. Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, OK 73105-4901.
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