The Oklahoma Bar Journal October 2024

Jeremy West and Cole E. Adwon scholarships. She has also par ticipated in several traveling and intraschool competition teams and was recognized as a distinguished speaker in 1L moot court. She has interned with GableGotwals, Hall Estill and the Finney County District Attorney’s Office. She also participated in the American Indian Estates Clinic with Oklahoma Indian Legal Services.

assistant to Professor Erin DeWalt and a research assis tant to Professor Evelyn Aswad. Additionally, she serves as a 1L mentor, is on the Board of Advocates and is a new student member of the Luther Bohanon American Inn of Court XXIII. Ms. Taylor has earned three American Jurisprudence awards, has been on the dean’s list for two semesters and is a recipient of the

Before law school, Ms. Taylor attended Colorado State University, where she was a University Honors Scholar and earned three bachelor’s degrees in economics, political sci ence and journalism. She served as a Teach for America corps member for two years after college. Upon grad uating, she will join GableGotwals in Tulsa as an associate.

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