The Oklahoma Bar Journal January 2024
attended the Oklahoma Association of Municipal Attorneys Board of Directors meeting, the Oklahoma Municipal Judges Association Board of Directors meeting and a day-and a-half seminar for the Oklahoma Municipal Judges Association, where he also gave a training presentation aimed at judges on the implementation of rewritten legislation; the presentation will be used in multiple forums. He also reported on the status of forms related to court-ordered finan cial obligations. Governor White reported he presented the profes sionalism moment for the Tulsa County Bar Association. Governor Shaffer Siex reported she attended the Access to Justice Summit, met with Oklahoma Access to Justice Foundation Director Katie Dilks to follow up on the Downward Debt Spiral Study and attended the Annual Meeting. She attended the YLD happy hour for new bar admittees in Tulsa, which was co-sponsored with the Tulsa County Bar Association YLD, reviewed the 2024 YLD Board of Directors election and drafted an article for the December issue of the Oklahoma Bar Journal . She also prepared for the presentation of the 2023 Outstanding Young Lawyer Award to Dylan Erwin and worked on the 2023 OBA YLD Board of Directors awards. REPORT OF THE YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION
Governor Shaffer Siex reported the Access to Justice Committee met with Access to Justice Foundation Executive Director Katie Dilks and said there is an open call for volunteers with many volunteer opportunities available.
City Thunder game with the Tulsa County Bar Association. He also attended the Annual Meeting and the TU College of Law Luncheon. Governor Smith reported she toured Marland Mansion with her fellow board members and attended the OBA Diversity Awards Dinner, the OCU School of Law Brennan Lecture and the Health Law Section panel discussion and business meeting at the OBA Annual Meeting. Governor Thurman reported by email he attended the OBA Annual Meeting, met with one of the candidates for the at-large position on the Board of Governors to discuss the responsibilities and duties of a member of the Board of Governors and appointed a new treasurer for the Pontotoc County Bar Association. Governor Vanderburg reported he conducted a training program on municipal court procedures for Ponca City and
meeting. Governor Dow reported she attended the Oklahoma County Bar Association Family Law Section meeting, the OBA Family Law Section meeting and the Cleveland County Bar Association monthly meeting. Governor Hilfiger reported he attended the Audit Committee meeting and various sessions at the Annual Meeting, including the Law Day Committee meeting. Governor Knott reported she reviewed articles for the Board of Editors meeting and had coffee with one of the candidates for the at-large position to visit about the Board of Governors’ schedule and responsibilities. She also attended the OCU School of Law Luncheon. Governor Rogers reported he attended the Clients’ Security Fund Committee meeting and the Audit Committee meeting. He attended Oktoberfest and an Oklahoma
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