The Oklahoma Bar Journal January 2024

F rom the E xecutive D irector

By Janet Johnson New Year, Good Intentions

T HE BEGINNING OF A NEW year is a natural time for reflection and goal setting. For lawyers, it offers a unique oppor tunity to approach our practice with renewed purpose and positive intentions. As legal professionals embark on a fresh chapter, setting good intentions can pave the way for a more fulfilling and successful year in this demanding profession. Cultivating a mindset of empa thy and understanding is a powerful intention for any lawyer. In a profes sion often characterized by rigorous arguments and intricate legal strate gies, it’s easy to lose sight of the human element. This new year, legal practi tioners can resolve to approach each case with empathy, acknowledging the unique challenges and emotions of their clients. By prioritizing compas sion, lawyers not only enhance their client relationships but also add profes sionalism and civility to the profession. Another valuable intention for the new year is a commitment to pro fessional growth and learning. The legal landscape is constantly evolving, with new precedents, legislation and technologies shaping the practice of law. Lawyers can set the intention to stay abreast of these changes by engaging in continuing legal educa tion and seeking opportunities for professional development. This could involve attending CLE programs or even presenting a CLE program, getting involved with sections and committees or looking for bar lead ership opportunities. A dedication to ongoing learning ensures that lawyers

effort to infuse one’s practice with empathy, a dedication to continuous growth and a focus on work-life balance. By setting these positive intentions, lawyers can create a foun dation for a year marked by profes sional growth, personal well-being and a lasting impact on the lives of their clients. As the legal com munity embraces the opportunities of a new year, the ripple effects of these good intentions will undoubt edly contribute to a more resilient, compassionate and effective legal profession. Happy New Year!

remain at the forefront of the profes sion and can provide the best possi ble representation for their clients. I would be remiss to not stress the importance of work-life balance. Lawyers often face demanding schedules and tight deadlines, lead ing to burnout and stress. Setting the intention to prioritize well-being and establish a healthy work-life balance is crucial for long-term success. This may involve schedul ing regular breaks, taking time for self-care and establishing boundaries to prevent professional obligations from encroaching on personal time. By fostering a balanced lifestyle, law yers can enhance their overall happi ness and effectiveness in their legal practice. If you find yourself needing any assistance in this area, please check out our Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program. I will leave you with this: Starting the new year as a lawyer with good intentions involves a conscious

To contact Executive Director Johnson, email her at

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