The Oklahoma Bar Journal January 2024

defines what is in scope and what is out of scope for the particular matter. The scope of work, combined with an assessment of risks that can affect the ability to meet the client’s objectives and the assumptions upon which the scope and budget are based, enable a matter team to ensure they are on the same page with clients and to manage the matter and budget accordingly. 4) Development of a template for how the work will be done so a more accurate budget can be developed, and the matter can be man aged to that budget.

of the client’s expectations, individuals who will affect the direction or approach to the matter, the types of communications that will be needed during the matter, the budget and more. 2) Enhanced communication with key stakeholders in the client organization and with the project team inside the law firm throughout the matter, but especially at the beginning, to define crite ria for success, limitations on the matter, budget/cost expectations, etc. 3) Development of a scope

PROJECT MANAGEMENT, GENERALLY Although various project man agement tools, processes and sys tems have been developed over the past few decades, all project man agement involves six key areas: 6

1) Development of a more

thorough understanding of the project/matter at the outset, especially as it relates to understanding the client’s situation and expectations. This involves beginning each matter with an in-depth analysis of the key influenc ers, or stakeholders, affecting the matter. This analysis drives the understanding

of work statement at the outset of the matter that

Statements or opinions expressed in the Oklahoma Bar Journal are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Oklahoma Bar Association, its officers, Board of Governors, Board of Editors or staff.

JANUARY 2024 | 31


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