The Oklahoma Bar Journal February 2024

B oard of G overnors A ctions

Meeting Summary

demonstration with President-Elect Pringle. She met with a roofing company for follow-up discussions on roofing and other security-based updates, met with the TU College of Law on membership engage ment and worked on registration for the National Conference of Bar Presidents Midyear Meeting. She prepared the OBA budget appli cation, filed it with the Oklahoma Supreme Court, attended the hearing and filed a rule change application for the Licensed Legal Internship Program. Additionally, she attended the Diversity Committee CLE on voting rights, the Board of Governors holiday party and the Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program Committee meeting. REPORT OF THE IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Past President Hicks reported he attended the Annual Meeting, including the Diversity Awards Dinner. He also attended the Board of Governors holiday party and the Legislative Monitoring Committee meeting. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Governor Ailles Bahm reported she attended two Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program Committee meetings, the Diversity Awards Dinner and the Diversity Committee’s CLE program on voting rights. She attended the Legislative Monitoring Committee meeting and the Board of Governors holiday

registrations. He worked on logis tics for the swearing-in ceremony, attended the Oklahoma County Bar Association’s holiday party and discussed the budget hear ing process and information with Executive Director Johnson. Vice President Williams reported he attended the Annual Meeting, including events such as the Diversity Awards Dinner and House of Delegates. He virtually attended the December meeting of the Legislative Monitoring Committee and chaired the November meeting of the Professionalism Committee. He coordinated Professionalism Committee CLE presentations for the Washington County Bar Association and Garvin County Bar Association and presented at the 5th Annual Champions for Children Conference of the Oklahoma Guardian Ad Litem Institute. Additionally, he worked on appointments to replace expir ing terms in the Strategic Planning Committee and attended the Board of Governors holiday party. He also prepared for the ABA Midyear Meeting and registration. REPORT OF THE VICE PRESIDENT

The Oklahoma Bar Association Board of Governors met Dec. 8, 2023.

REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT President Hermanson reported he attended the Annual Meeting, including the Welcome Reception, Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program Committee meeting, Annual Luncheon, Board of Editors meeting, Law Day Committee meeting, Oklahoma Bar Foundation Reception, Diversity Awards Dinner, Ice Cream Social, Delegates Breakfast, General Assembly and House of Delegates. He wrote the December president’s article for the Oklahoma Bar Journal , worked on the final appointments and attended the District Attorneys Council meet ing and the Board of Governors holiday party. Additionally, he worked on miscellaneous tasks to finish up the year, attended the Executive Committee meeting and worked on arrangements to attend the National Conference of Bar Presidents and the Southern Conference of Bar Presidents at the ABA Midyear Meeting. President-Elect Pringle reported he attended the Annual Meeting and House of Delegates. He met with LegisOK for a discussion of its monitoring systems and a demon stration with Executive Director Johnson. He worked on and made appointments, as well as prepared for the ABA Midyear Meeting and REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT-ELECT


Executive Director Johnson reported she attended many aspects of the Annual Meeting and met with LegisOK for a discussion of its monitoring systems and a

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