The Oklahoma Bar Journal August 2022

known as “non-discrimination of IOLTA accounts.” Oklahoma Bar Foundation IOLTA Task Force Chair Patrick O’Hara noted that Rule 1.5 currently does not address banks’ requirement to offer interest rates comparable to other interest-bearing banking products within its own offerings; however, 38 states require rate comparability. Executive Director Williams described the status of the current legislative session as well as the status of select bills the OBA is monitoring. STATE COUNCIL FOR INTESTATE JUVENILE SUPERVISION Executive Director Williams reappoints Blake Edward Lynch, McAlester, to a term expiring July 1, 2025. President Hicks reviewed upcoming bar-related events, including the 2022 Sovereignty Symposium, June 8-9, Skirvin Hotel, Oklahoma City; OBF Diamonds & Disco 75 Event, June 10, First Americans Museum, Oklahoma City; the Annual Solo & Small Firm Conference, June 23-25, Choctaw Casino & Resort, Durant; and the OBA Women in Law Conference, Sept. 30, Civic Center Music Hall, Oklahoma City. REPORT ON LEGISLATIVE SESSION UPCOMING OBA AND COUNTY BAR EVENTS

Garrett reported the Audit Committee has met and is con ducting a survey. She also reported the Cannabis Law Committee has met and is recruiting members. Vice President Pringle reported the Legislative Monitoring Committee is planning its annual Legislative Debrief. The board passed a motion to approve the appointments of the following members to the Executive Search Committee: William Grimm, Susan Shields, Charles Chesnut, Judge Linda Thomas, Kim Hays, Judge Jon Parsley and April Moaning (YLD member), along with President Hicks, President-Elect Hermanson and Vice President Pringle as ex officio members. APPLICATION TO SUSPEND FOR FAILURE TO PAY 2022 DUES Executive Director Williams explained the process of suspen sion advising that notice to show cause is mailed followed by very diligent efforts to contact each person on the list before the appli cation is filed with the court. The board voted to approve the list. APPLICATION TO SUSPEND FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH 2021 MCLE REQUIREMENTS The board voted to approve the list of members who have not complied with 2021 MCLE requirements. APPLICATION TO STRIKE FOR FAILURE TO REINSTATE AFTER SUSPENSION FOR NON-PAYMENT OF 2021 DUES The board voted to approve the list of members who did not rein state after suspension for nonpay ment of 2021 dues. EXECUTIVE SEARCH COMMITTEE

APPLICATION TO STRIKE FOR FAILURE TO REINSTATE AFTER SUSPENSION FOR NON-COMPLIANCE WITH 2020 MCLE REQUIREMENTS The board voted to approve the list of members who did not reinstate after suspension for noncompliance with 2020 MCLE requirements. PRESIDENT’S APPOINTMENTS The board passed a motion to approve the appointments to the Clients’ Security Fund: Mary Pointer, Oklahoma City, to com plete the unexpired term of Jon Vorndran, Shawnee, to a term expiring Dec. 31, 2022. The board passed a motion to approve the appointments made by President-Elect Hermanson: Members of House of Delegates (5) – Alissa Dawn Preble Hutter, Norman; Linda G. Morrissey, Tulsa; Jimmy Dale Oliver, Stillwater; Jan Meadows, Norman; M. Courtney Briggs, Oklahoma City; and Cody Jarrett Cooper, Oklahoma City. Board of Governors (3) – Miles T. Pringle, Nichols Hills; Robin Rochelle, Lawton; Angela Ailles Bahm, Oklahoma City; and Dylan Erwin, Oklahoma City. Attorney Members (3) – D. Kenyon Williams, Tulsa; John B. Gelders, Edmond; and Jason Matthew Hicks, Duncan. OBF INTEREST ON LAWYERS TRUST ACCOUNTS (IOLTA) RULE 1.15 SAFEKEEPING PROPERTY The board passed a motion to show support for a proposed rule change that would require banks that offer IOLTA to provide IOLTA account rates that compare favorably to its own products, BUDGET COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS

The Oklahoma Bar Association Board of Governors met June 23, 2022.

REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT President Hicks reported he coordinated with Executive Director Williams on issues related to staff ing and Annual Meeting planning.

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