The Oklahoma Bar Journal August 2022

of bringing in a new client, including how file opening and billing setup processes work. Then you ask all the people involved in the process what problems they see or improve ments they suggest. Then ask a sampling of clients. Then the tech evaluation and, hopefully, purchase. It sounds time con suming, and potentially is, but not as expensive as a stalled or failed technology project or one that had a successful installation but didn’t address the two main problems with the system.

before purchases” is a great slo gan for technology projects and upgrades. Thinking that a process is messed up and so you need some technology to fix it is often reverse thinking. “The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automa tion applied to an efficient oper ation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency,” is Bill Gates’s oft-quoted observation. But if you want to improve your client intake process, you must outline every step of the process

your phone. But for $3.99, iOS users can use the app Scanner Pro 5 to take a picture of a document that is then converted to an OCR’d PDF file and stored on the cloud storage service you have designated. There are many scanning apps, but Brett Burney is not the only knowledge able individual who gives Scanner Pro high marks. To me, having the documents off your iPhone and into a designated folder is part of the attraction. Kenton Brice likes mechanical keyboards with their heavy-duty construction. He noted the MX Mechanical from Logitech ($169.99). This sturdy keyboard has received positive reviews. 6 Kenton also reminded iPhone users of the ability to set up a short cut to either double-click or triple- click on the back of the phone to perform a function. A short, 45-second video on how to set this up on the iPhone is available at One attendee commented that it was a great way to take phone screenshots without having to use both hands. Kenton also shared some real wisdom in his program “Evaluating Technology Tools | A Toolkit for Legal Professionals.” He noted that prior to adopting any significant technology tool, it is very important to understand both the processes and the people involved. “Processes

“The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency,” is Bill Gates’s oft-quoted observation.

AUGUST 2022 | 51


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