The Oklahoma Bar Journal August 2022

contents August 2022 • Vol. 93 • No. 6

THEME: C ivil P rocedure Editor: Jana Knott

Cover photo by Lori Rasmussen

FEATURES 6 Out-of-State Discovery Simplified: How the Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act Can Save You and Your Client Time and Money B y T imothy F. C ampbell 10 What is the OCPA and Why Should Attorneys Care About It? B y K indra N. D otson 16 COVID-19 Deadline Extensions: What Litigators Need to Know B y A lexandra J. G age 22 Defending a Lawsuit With Your Best Foot Forward B y M elissa E ast 28 Put it Plainly: How the Use of Plain Language Can Increase Equity and Procedural Fairness in Small Claims Eviction Proceedings B y K atie D ilks and S handi C ampbell DEPARTMENTS 4 From the President 48 From the Executive Director 50 Law Practice Tips 54 Ethics & Professional Responsibility 56 Board of Governors Actions 66 Oklahoma Bar Foundation News

PLUS 32 Annual Meeting 36 In Search of the OBA’s Next Executive Director 38 Access to Justice B y G wendolyn C legg 42 The Sovereignty Symposium XXXIV 46 Women in Law Conference

PAGES 38 – Access to Justice

69 Young Lawyers Division 72 For Your Information 74 Bench & Bar Briefs 78 In Memoriam 83 Editorial Calendar 88 The Back Page

PAGE 42 – The Sovereignty Symposium XXXIV

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