The Oklahoma Bar Journal April 2023

Y oung L awyers D ivision

I Need to Find My Sunscreen Because the Young Lawyers are Coming to Solo & Small Firm! By Caroline M. Shaffer Siex

A FTER THREE YEARS OF THE Socratic method of teaching, countless lattes and cold brews and maybe some frustrated tears, the conquerors of the February bar will be sworn in next month – an exciting reason to celebrate! As a TU College of Law spring starter (aka “Half-L”), I find the May swearing-in to be the best one. It’s a smaller ceremony, and you get a jump start to a year of practice. Of course, you get sworn in before the Solo & Small Firm Conference! I have attended multiple Solo & Small Firm Conferences, and I feel that every year, it gets better. From great hotel accommodations to a large choice of CLEs, the conference has something to offer everyone. You are able to complete all your CLE for the year; there is everything from a YLD-focused CLE to ethics, family law and estate planning. Even if you are one of the newer bar members who will enjoy a CLE exemption for the year, there is still much to offer. I have had some of the best networking experiences at the conference. The YLD has historically provided a hospitality suite – it has included hand-rolled cigars, limbo contests and direct pool access. Of course, we cannot wait to see what we are up to this

YLD members attend a social event at the FlyingTee in Tulsa during the 2018 Solo & Small Firm Conference.

June 22-24 at the Osage Casino Hotel in Tulsa. Feel welcome to bring a guest, and don’t forget the SPF! We will have a seat at our cabana waiting for you! Ms. Shaffer Siex practices in Tulsa and serves as the YLD chair. She may be contacted at

year! As the former hospitality suite chair, I know we will have something big. That is not the only highlight. The Oklahoma Bar Foundation always brings a ton of fun swag! I still have a Tiffany Blue mug and beach towel. Likewise, there are plenty of vendors with innovative legal technology to help support our community. Lastly, there is always a fabulous party following the dinner. So please join the YLD at the Solo & Small Firm Conference

68 | APRIL 2023


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