The Oklahoma Bar Journal April 2023

MOCK TRIAL VOLUNTEERS The Mock Trial Program is sponsored and funded by the Oklahoma Bar Foundation and the OBA Young Lawyers Division with coordination by Judy Spencer. More than 300 judges and attor neys volunteered their time to work with mock trial teams as coaches and to conduct the competitions. Presiding and Scoring Judges Judge Shon T. Erwin served as presiding judge during the compe tition finals. Scoring judges were: The judges evaluated the stu dents based on their familiarity with the case and the formula tion of their arguments. Students received points for each phase of the trial, opening, direct and cross-examination, closing argu ment and how well their witnesses responded. Teams were paired with volunteer attorney coaches. Mock Trial Executive Committee Jennifer Bruner Soltani Past Chair Todd Murray Andrea Medley Executive Chairperson Orion Strand Mock Trial Committee Members Michael Nesser Shea Bracken Nathan Ritcher Gessica Sewell Christine Cave Andrew Casey Weston Watts, honorary Oklahoma City and Tulsa volunteer coordinator Judge Jane Wiseman Judge Stacie Hixon Mark Schwebke Dan Crawford

Judging the final championship round were, from left, Judge Jane Wiseman, Mark Schwebke, Judge Shon T. Erwin, Dan Crawford and Judge Stacie Hixon.

(From left) Orion Strand, Nicole Longwell, Andrea Medley, Judy Spencer, Jennifer Bruner Soltani and Todd Murray wrap up a successful year on the Mock Trial Executive Committee.

46 | APRIL 2023


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