The Kforce Story: 50 Plus Years of Great People Delivering Great Results

Ironically, it was Al Dunkel himself who had told Dave, years before, that maybe someday they’d see the business go public. At the time, Dave didn’t think it would ever happen. Now he was experiencing the thrill of watching his father’s vision come to fruition. “My father got on the train to New York so he could meet me at Prudential Securities and stand on the trading floor to see the symbol ‘ROMC’ come up for the first time.” The company that emerged as Romac International was formed as a combination of Romac & Associates of Portland, Maine, and three large franchisees: Romac FMA of Tampa, Romac & Associates of Boston, and Temporary Accounting Professionals, Inc., also based in Boston. For the first six months of 1995, total revenues increased 9.7 percent to $19.6 million. Prudential Securities’ 1995 report recommended, “Buy,” with the headline, “Professional Temps Pegged For Bright Future: Buy ROMC, A Leader in the Field,” citing the strength of the Romac FMA management team that was now at the helm of Romac International. They included Dave Dunkel, president and CEO; Maureen Rorech, who joined Romac FMA in 1987; CFO Peter Dominici; Vice President Howard W. Sutter; and Corporate Director Richard M. Cocchiaro. The Atlanta office was acquired in 1994 with the purchase of the franchisor. Randy Marmon, who joined the firm in 1992, was a top performer in Finance and Accounting and took over management of the office after the acquisition. In 1997, Randy was promoted to National Accounts and Joe Liberatore became manager

Both Romac and Source Services have a long-standing tradition of rewarding their top performers. Here, the Source performers assemble for a group photo in the early 1990s.


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