The Kforce Story: 50 Plus Years of Great People Delivering Great Results
Technology In the early 1980s, technology began playing a role in Romac’s future, in part because of Dave’s natural affinity for and curiosity about computers, and part as a result of a relationship he developed with a man who would play a significant role in Romac FMA’s evolution—Ray Morganti. Determined to escape his native Pennsylvania winters, Ray and his wife Lori packed up and headed to sunny Florida following their college graduations. Dick Maddock, who would later join Romac FMA, had found him a job writing COBOL programs for Sunshine State Systems. It only took Ray a year to figure out that he “wasn’t cut out to be a COBOL programmer.” That was when he saw an advertisement in the newspaper placed by the Romac Tampa office. He called and then made a visit to the eighth- floor office in downtown Tampa. “You could tell they were just starting out,” Ray recalled. “There was no furniture and they (Dave Dunkel and Rich Cocchiaro) were eating peanut butter and jelly and working in a really old building. Even still, I found them very engaging.” Dave is known for keeping track of the people he encounters so several months later he called Ray to get his advice on a DECmate computer he was considering purchasing. Their client/vendor relationship developed and when Dave wanted a contact management database, he again called Ray. A natural-born salesman, Dave understood that the first step in sales is building relationships and instead of keeping notes scribbled on a piece of paper stuck in a file, he wanted a system where he could keep notes on everything from a person’s anniversaries to their hobbies and create follow-up letters automatically. That doesn’t sound like a tall order by today’s technology standards, but it put Dave light years ahead of the pack. Dave’s vision to harness technology led to the development of a system called PROS—Professional Recruiter Office System— which was launched in 1985 and was Romac FMA’s first CRM—Customer Relationship
Computers Then. . .
Romac purchased their first computer in 1982 from Threshold Software, Inc., Ray Morganti’s
company. It was an Altos 586-20 with 512K of memory and a 19MB hard drive. It supported five users on Wyse 50 and Televideo 950 terminals with a Xenix operating system running word processing, an Informix database, and Real World accounting software. The total system cost more than $14,000. . . .and Now Kforce’s Information Technology platform is a strategic technology engine, implemented and supported by a team of talented and dedicated information technology professionals. The IT team leverages the cloud, analytics, mobility, security, and artificial intelligence to position the company’s great people to deliver excellent service to clients and exceptional digital experiences for job seekers and consultants that trust Kforce to meet their career goals. The IT platform not only provides Kforce with the business capabilities needed today but also positions the company to support the capabilities the business will need as the industry and company evolves.
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