TWCA Spring 2024
Warrior Family, Serving as the Warrior Boosters Chairs for The Woodlands Christian Academy (TWCA) for the past two years has been an honor and a joy for us. We have had the privilege of building countless new friendships within our school community while working hard to foster and grow our Fine Arts and Athletic programs for our students. Many years ago, Warrior Boosters set out to raise funds to enhance these programs so that Woodlands Christian students could discover and strengthen their God-given talents. We believe it is our duty to support this mission. Our goal as the Boosters Chairs was to help make significant enhancements to the Athletics and Fine Arts programs while maintaining our state-of-the-art additions, we have been blessed to build over the years. We believe our team has met and even surpassed our mission and goals. Thanks to our Warrior Boosters supporters over the years, funds raised have been able to purchase home and away uniforms for both Middle and High School teams, athletic team equipment, a state-of
Will and Nicole Murphy
the-art weight room rivaling some college facilities, boys and girls locker rooms, a sports training room, and new flooring and lights in the David gym to name a few. Warrior Boosters also funded the Fine Arts panels, display boards, new microphones, and PA systems for the Lower School music and theatre program. Additionally, our goal was to ensure our students and families are proud to be a part of the Warrior family and share that enthusiasm with our community. We believe that the Warrior pride is loud and proud as we have seen record attendance at many of our annual events over the past two years, including the Warrior Color Run, Grand Days BBQ, the Crawfish Boil and our incredible Golf Tournament. We also saw record Booster memberships in the past few years. The growth and success of these events and membership is a direct reflection of the Warrior Boosters Committee and the volunteers who put in numerous hours working and planning these events. It has been an honor to see so many pieces of the Warrior Boosters puzzle come together which is evidence of what happens when you serve along others who share the same strong passion for our beloved school. In closing, we encourage our families to support Warrior Boosters by giving in your own way, whether it be of your time, talents or treasure. All are necessary to build and maintain the Athletic and Fine Arts programs at TWCA. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our school and pray the Athletics and Fine Arts programs are well placed to continue to soar! Will and Nicole Murphy Warrior Boosters Chairs
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