Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album

1995 International Champions

By way of explanation…The International Board of Directors determined that because the international champion quartets and choruses win in the fall of each year, there are only a few months in which they appear to be current champions; in January of the following year, their titles seem out of date. Change was made starting with the winners of the 1994 International Competition in Reno, Nevada, USA, to name winners as champions for the upcoming year. Therefore, Melodeers Chorus was named the 1995 International Champions. Consequently, there is no 1994 International Champion Quartet or Chorus.

Chicago Fire From left: Bon Pressley (baritone), Bonnie Fedyski (bass), Dani Avalos (lead), Amy Brinkman (tenor)

Melodeers Chorus , Northbrook, Illinois (USA), under the direction of Jim Arns (aka Elvis). Melodeers went on to win their first International Championship in Reno, Nevada (USA) in 1994.

1995 Members gather and sing at headquarters building in a memorial tribute to the victims of the Oklahoma City bombing (Oklahoma, USA).

1995 550 Sweet Adelines gather at the V-E Day Memorial in Kansas City, Missouri (USA) along with thousands of WWII veterans to commemorate 50th anniversary of ending of WWII in Europe.

1995 Young Singers Foundation becomes a separate not-for-profit association.

1995 Five young women — Robyn Burrows, Erin Bigger, Sharon Matthews, Valerie Shumway, and Kelly Simard — appointed to newly created Teen Advisory Board.


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