Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album

Why I Sing

Education is a win-win phenomenon. The more you use it, the more you are able to contribute back to it. The big picture of Sweet Adelines International, from whatever vantage point it is viewed, is education. —Betty Tracy (Clipman), International President, (1991-1993)

I have always loved singing since my father encouraged all of us to learn French Canadian folk songs. When I moved to Uxbridge, Ontario, two girls I knew were starting a four-part harmony “choir.” I came, loved the idea, and became one of our founding members as we learned about keeping our part, blending voices, and how to be organized and businesslike in our arrangements. Having a lower range, I became a baritone for the challenge. I like the sound, the growth (potential and actual), choreography, and the many opportunities for education… not to mention the camaraderie. —Cynthia E. Nidd, Region #16, member since 1985 I sing because it allows me to be a performer. It makes me feel good. It teaches me so much. Sweet Adelines has allowed me to come out of my shell. It has allowed me to stand up for myself and get out of a 19-year abusive relationship. I feel so proud of all the things I have accomplished since being a member. I love to see the smiles on the audience’s faces. Nothing can make you feel any better. —Deborah Zoerner, Region #21, member since 1981


Betty Clipman Education is the lifeblood of Sweet Adelines International! Members are never far from opportunities to learn and to grow, as classes, seminars, and coaching are held all over the world. The Pitch Pipe is truly “The Voice of Sweet Adelines International,” as hundreds of articles have appeared about proper singing techniques, management skills, and a host of other topics to improve and enhance our membership. Choruses and quartets make use of coaching as a way to hone specific skills related to singing. Who manages the direction of Sweet Adelines International’s Education Program? Over time, several committees and staff positions have provided guidance, knowledge, and creativity to ensure that our members receive leading-edge musical programs. Floyd Connett, Sally Eggleston, Bev Sellers, and Lorraine Barrows are just a few of those who have served, with varying titles, as education director. Volunteer committees, such as the Music Direction Committee (MDC), Administrative Direction Committee (ADC), and the current Education Direction Committee (EDC), direct the headquarters staff so that members’ musical and leadership needs are brought into focus and educational activities can be planned to address those needs.

“The great love of my life is helping people of every age unlock the music in their souls. I see vocal music education giving them the confidence and skills to do that . —Lorraine Barrows, SA Music Educator (1996)

Our organization rightfully deserves a major place in the world of music. Our emphasis on education is the force that moves us forward. —Bev Sellers, International President (1983-1985)


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