Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album
Friday the Thirteenth Proves Lucky A group of women in Tulsa, Oklahoma (USA), met on Friday, July 13, 1945, to determine if there were enough women interested in singing four-part harmony, barbershop style — interested enough, that is, to form a society. The answer was “yes”! On July 23, at the organizational meeting, 41 charter members joined and Edna Mae Anderson was named founder. Articles of incorporation, under the laws of the State of Oklahoma (USA), dated November 5, 1945, were granted to this new organization, and presented by Tulsa Mayor Olney F. Flynn on behalf of the Governor of Oklahoma. Tulsa No. 1 Chapter (originally the Atomaton Chapter) became the first Sweet Adelines Chapter.
“Success is not measured by exceptional individuals, but by the sum total of us all.” —Edna Mae Anderson
Edna Mae Anderson Founder
The original logo, designed by Helen Seevers for her personal stationery, was adopted by the organization. The logo was nicknamed the Floradora Girls after the first quartet to sing under the name of Sweet Adelines, Inc.
St. Louis Chapter in 1949 with You’re the Flower of My Heart , Sweet Adeline composer, Harry Armstrong.
Original sheet music autographed by Harry Armstrong.
1945 Sweet Adelines founded by Edna Mae Anderson in Tulsa, Oklahoma (USA).
1947 Atomaton Chapter (Later changed to Tulsa No. 1 Chapter) is first chorus to charter.
1946 Renee Craig begins arranging music.
1947 First national quartet contest was held.
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