Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album

Why I Sing

It brings joy to my heart. Music has always been a huge part of my life, and singing a cappella suits me to a T. I love the harmonies, the overtones, the fun, and the mischief! —Sue Beck, Region #13, member since 1972 Seven choruses, two countries, 43 years of memories in music. From ‘But I don’t read music’ to master director, my years have been filled with the sounds of four- part harmony, barbershop style. The education and exposure to excellence prepared the eager, frightened member to step up when needed. While 23 years of membership found my back to our audiences, my face was to our singers. They are why I sing. Thank you for all the memories. —Marlene Greenough, Region #26, member since 1976

Regional Triumvirate: International Extension Representatives Added The international organization added the appointed position of International Extension Representative (IER) to assist regions in their efforts to teach and guide chapters in how to grow and retain members. The IER worked with the Regent and DMA (Director of Musical Activities) to assure smooth running and effective leadership.

1986 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) issued from University of Arkansas for attending approved Sweet Adelines educational events.

1987 "A Moment of Harmony" at 10:30 a.m., October 13. Choruses sing Harmonize The World at the same time.

1986 Jewel King Memorial Fund established.

1987 Director Certification Program (DCP) begins.

1986 International Board of Directors continues study of changing the name of the organization. 100+ suggestions received.

1986 Three-year lay out rule for regional champion choruses established. (Later repealed in favor of wild card eligibility for international contests.)


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