Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album
Why I Sing
I joined following my graduation and was looking for a place to sing. I saw the Pittsburghettes in a show, and I knew that’s what I wanted to do. I have stayed for almost 60 years because of the friendship, learning experience and joy of performing. I have sung in many choruses and quartets and have made friends all over the United States. Sweet Adelines has given me opportunities that I never would have had. I can’t imagine my life without barbershop. —Lynne Serratore, Region #9, member since 1961 I started singing at home, then at school I won a Coca- Cola talent show and was on live TV in 1961. When I worked for a local business as part of my business college training, I was humming, and a man waiting for an appointment asked me if I liked to sing. He was the director of the local Sweet Adelines chorus! I joined in Fairmont, West Virginia, then moved to Florida and joined the Greater Orlando Chorus. I’ve done it all! “I am Sweet Adelines! —Judy Ogden, Region #9, member since 1962 When I was expecting my third child, I went to a banquet and some ladies came to entertain. I knew one of the ladies from high school. I had never heard of barbershop before then. They taught us a tag — it was wonderful! I asked my friend to call me when my baby was six months old. She did and we went to a rehearsal. I told them, ‘Don’t let me out of here until I sign something.’ That was 55 years ago and the best decision I ever made. I am Sweet Adelines! —Carol Lees, Region #17, member since 1964
I love singing. It keeps me young. It helps me stay healthy. I use my brain, lungs and muscles when I sing. I especially love my chorus. It’s my second family. When anything happens to any of us, happy or sad, everyone rallies around and helps celebrate or support. —Evelyn Doyle, Region #1, member since 1966 I was introduced to barbershop by my high school music teacher, who had the Cracker Jills album on his piano. During my four years of singing with The Harmonettes, I not only learned two Sweet Adelines folios entirely but also the Chordettes music and numerous single recordings. I sang lead and after my quartet, Classic Edition, won, my teacher said, ‘I knew you’d be the one who’d keep singing barbershop.’ — Sheila Martinez, Region #5 and #21, member since 1966 My mother joined in 1960. I was 10 at the time. I was enthralled with the harmony immediately. She finally let me join her when I got into high school. The music, friendships, will last me a lifetime. —Karen Kraus, Region #1, member since 1967 My former mother-in-law constantly asked me to go with her to a local Sweet Adeline Chorus. I finally agreed, not even knowing what Sweet Adelines was. She didn’t join, but I did! I discovered that Sweet Adelines barbershop singing was absolutely what was missing in my life. My new husband loved it too and always went to International with me. —Martha Morris, Region #3, member since 1968
Singing without Sight
Ella Greenfield, of Saskatoon Chorus, was a little apprehensive about keeping up with a sighted group. She had a quick ear and became a valued member of the baritone section. She seems to sense a director’s mood, to anticipate the moment when the tempo may be stepped up or when a chord is to be milked for all its worth. Chorus members are always ready to teach Ella her actions by taking hold of her hands or head and leading her through the motions. —Bea Fines, The Pitch Pipe, Spring 1968.
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