Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album

The Cracker Jills, 1957 International Champion Quartet, retired in 1967. The quartet produced a distinctive sound, credited in large part to Renee’s experience as a professional pop singer. She also arranged most of the group’s music. “The Cracker Jills are considered one of the best examples of a barbershop quartet ever produced by Sweet Adelines, Inc.” — Primarily A Cappella

Why I Sing

Sweet Adelines has given me many opportunities, especially singing with The Embers. One of the highlights on one of our USO Tours, was the standing ovation for our troops in Korea, after singing “This Is My Country.” Another memorable moment at the 1970 international competition was singing “Mr. Wonderful.” On the international album, a clunk, clunk, can be heard as our pitch pipe falls to the stage. One member stretched out her arms knocking the pitch pipe, as the lead soloed with, “And why the (clunk, clunk) longing…?” We maintained our composure and placed second. It’s a joy to sing! — Bonnie K. Willis, Region #13, member since 1960

Tenor: Bobbie Bostick; Lead: Renee Craig; Bass: Jan Saundry; Baritone: Judy Rowell

The Gaytones (1968 Queens of Harmony) and International Medalist Quartets. From left are Margaret Layer (tenor), Jean Shook (lead), Shari Martens (baritone), Anna Lee Scott (bass) [Note: Gaytones Quartet changed its name to Galatones a few years later.]


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