Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album

A Few Sweet Adelines Firsts First National Quartet Contest: 1947 First Regional Chorus Contest: 1951 First Songbook Arranged For Sweet Adelines specifically:

Quotes from 1950s The Pitch Pipe

If we can always have ourselves a wonderful time — even zany on occasion — and still behave like the ladies we are, we’ll have the rest of the world with us all the way and can really Harmonize the World. —Janice Maynard, publicity chairman (Jan. 1952) We of the Hospitality Committee will do our utmost to meet as many of you as possible, be it by train, plane, bus, car, boat, canoe, or carrier pigeon. If any of you are taking the route by way of Superman, please notify me so that I can clear your flight with him, so that we may avoid any casualties. —Alice Stysick, chair, hospitality committee for 1954 convention (Sept. 1954) In the May 1954 issue of the The Pitch Pipe, Helen Seevers called for a definition of barbershop harmony for women. She received four entries, summed up by Connie Clinton: Cheer to the ear, a chord that tingles A bit of rhythm and a lyric that jingles A desire for expression, an exhibit of love Companionship of others, with help from above. A harmony group that desires good living And a little enjoyment, just for the giving. A benefit show to assist someone deserving We get our reward in the pleasure of serving.

“‘Sweet Adelines need an official book of their own…arrangements written especially for them and in the key they can sing without transposing.’ Those were my very words when I accepted the position of National Music Chairman two years ago. I can hear you saying, ‘Well, now where is it?’ Girls, IT’S HERE! It has taken two years of sweat, blood and tears (and I mean sweating, not glowing) and reams of writing to activate some action and realize the reality of a Sweet Adelines quartet barbershop harmony book.” —Mary L. Old in The Pitch Pipe , September 1952. This songbook, Sweet Adelines Barbershop Arrangements , was compiled and arranged by Ozzie Westley and George Zdarsky. First Presidential Gavel: The historical wooden gavel belonging to the organization was a gift from the WashingTones Chapter and was presented in October 1951 at the General Assembly in Santa Monica, California (USA). First Regional Competition Held In Canada: The Third Annual Competition of Region #2 on April 26, 1958, saw about 450 Sweet Adelines from the 950-member region. They met in Toronto,

Ontario, for the first Sweet Adeline regional competition to be held in Canada. First Canadian Member of the International Board of Directors: Mary Boddington, 1959

First Quartet to Receive Individual Trophies: Sweet and Lows, 1958, in Peoria, Illinois (USA). First Sweet Adeline Record: The Johnson Sisters, 1948 National Champion Quartet. Record was cut in 1950. First Quartet Crowns: Made of flowers, awarded to the Quarternotes at the 1951 Convention in

Santa Monica, California (USA). First Chapter Manual: 1951 First Code of Ethics: 1951 First Corps of Regents [later, Council of Regents]: 1951

1956 First contest judges are certified in categories of Arrangement; Harmony and Tone Accuracy; Blend, Balance, and Expression; Attacks, Releases and Diction; and Stage Presence.


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