Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album
We’re ready to learn “A Brand New Song & Dance!” Education Direction Committee Chair Marcia Pinvidic welcomed everyone to the 2019 Directors and Visual Leaders Seminar (DVLS) in San Antonio, Texas, USA. Every region in our organization was represented at the event. Classes included topics such as “Fostering Diversity and Inclusion,” “Directing Skills for Assistant Directors,” “Tips and Tricks for Teaching Choreography,” “The Voice at all Ages,” and “What is the Music Trying to Tell You?”
Sweet Adelines International Directors & Visual Leaders Seminar 2019 S a n An t o n i o , TX A Brand New Song & Dance
International Education Symposium (IES) 2019 in Manchester, United Kingdom, titled, “Sing and Celebrate,” was billed as a collegiate-style educational event for coaches, directors, arrangers, and barbershop harmony singers. It was co-chaired by Paula Davis, Alyson Chaney, and Elaine Hamilton. Star Guest Educator was Deke Sharon. Also featured were 2019 Queens of Harmony, ClassRing (Mary Duncan (baritone), Heather Havens (lead), Hailey Parks (bass), Michaela Slamka-Johnson (tenor)); education faculty included Lynda Keever, Lori Lyford, Judy Pozsgay, and Sandy Marron.
Beyond Quartet (Stockholm, Sweden) in a coaching session with 2019 International Champion Quartet ClassRing during IES 2019 in Manchester, United Kingdom. Maria Homman Loudiye, Carin Ländström, Rosie Preuss, Jenny Olivestedt.
Participants at the 2019 DVLS in San Antonio, Texas, USA
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