Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album
The Coronet Club celebrated its 50-year anniversary in 2015 during their Coronet Club Show at the international convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. The celebration centered on 50-year quartet Shalimars and 25-year quartet Panache with the theme, “Really Big Deal.”
In 2015, Christchurch City Chorus was harmonizing the world from New Zealand.
Why I Sing
Why I Sing
My life is what it is because of Sweet Adelines, from the moment I started my chorus in 1991 until now. My career, my friends, my significant relationships, my children have all come to be because of my involvement in barbershop singing. I can’t imagine a better life. —Glenda Lloyd, Region #34, member since 1991
I sing because I need to. It is a crucial part of who I am. The sisterhood, training, and experience I have received as a member of Sweet Adelines International has changed me for the better in so many ways. I’m sure I would not have my PhD., my job as a consultant, or my yoga teacher training certificate if it were not for the skills, confidence, and friends I have received from being a member. And I would never have dreamed of being an assistant director when I joined 30 years ago. Singing in Sweet Adelines truly defines ME! —Annika Tallsjö, Region #32, member since 1990
2013 Dr. Rachael Gates, former YSF scholarship recipient, writes "The Voice Box" series in The Pitch Pipe.
2013 Pitch Pipe Lite digital edition discontinued. The Pitch Pipe returns to being mailed to all members and subscribers.
2013 "Global Open House" membership campaign begins.
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