Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album

Young Singers Foundation Based on a proposal from Julie Kendrick, and after two years of additional study, the International Board of Directors established and funded the Young Singers Foundation (YSF) in 1992. YSF existed as a separate not-for-profit association from 1996 until 2004. The foundation funded the Bev Sellers Memorial Scholarships for college students in vocal music and music education, provided grants for after-school vocal music programs (including YWIH activities), and supplied award money and travel expenses to Rising Star quartet contest winners for special performances at the Sweet Adelines International Convention.

First Board of Trustees of the Young Singers Foundation. Left to right are (standing) Pat McCandless, June Berg, Lisbet Kline (Duponte), Sheila Bornemeier (Secretary) and (seated) Armene Walsh (Fiscal Vice President), Bev Miller (President), Julie Kendrick (Founder)


The Sweet Teens from St. Louis, Missouri (USA), under the direction of Sandi Wright, perform at the Indianapolis, Indiana (USA) Convention in 1993. They were the first recipients of a grant from the Young Singers Foundation.


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