Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album

Record Setting Event! Sweet Adelines International set the Guinness World Record for Largest Singing Lesson on October 24, 2009, at 7:30 p.m. The record-setting event coincided with the 63rd Annual International Convention and Competition held at the Sommet Center in Nashville, Tennessee (USA). Sweet Adelines International President Peggy Gram led the lesson by demonstrating inspiring techniques for integrating the voice into the art form. The venue was filled with sound as 6,651 singers practiced the demonstrated techniques and sang simultaneously for the duration of the 10-minute lesson. Guinness World Records official adjudicator Danny Girton, Jr. presided over the certificate ceremony to validate the record and confirm that the achievement met the criteria set forth by the organization.

Guinness World Record for Largest Singing Lesson, October 24, 2009, 63rd International Convention and Competition, Nashville, Tennessee (USA)

Singing uplifts my spirits and I can feel joy, the chords resonate throughout my body, giving it the lift needed to feel emotions that may otherwise be repressed. —Pauline Smith, Region #35, member since 2010 Why I Sing

Peggy Gram leads record-setting singing lesson.

2010 Sweet Adelines products available online at Café Press.

2010 International Novice Quartet Award given for the first time.

2010 Online education added to Sweet Adelines website.

2011 Harborlites Chorus wins grand prize on America Sings contest on the Gospel Music Channel.


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