Summer Reading
Amust-read forparents, educators, advocates, andkidsabout theneed tounderstand teenagecruelty in the Internet era—and whatwecandoabout it SticksandStones : Defeating the Cultureof BullyingandRediscovering thePower of Character andEmpathy byEmilyBazelon B einga teenager hasnever beeneasy, but in recent years,with the riseof the Internet andsocialmedia, it’sbecomeexponentiallymorechallenging. Blendingkeen journalisticandnarrativeskills,EmilyBazelonexplores facets of bullying through thestoriesof threeyoungpeoplewho found themselves caught in the thickof it, bringing readersonadeeply researched, clear- eyed journey into theever-shifting landscapeof teenagemeannessand its sometimesdevastatingconsequences. The result isagroundbreakingbook thatwill helpparents, educators, and teensbetter understandwhat kidsare going through todayandwhat canbedone tohelp them. RandomHouseTradePaperbacks TR 978-0-8129-8263-3 416pp. $16.00/$18.00Can. ExamCopy:$3.00
“Intelligent, rigorous . . . [EmilyBazelon] is a compassionate champion for justice in the domain of childhood’s essential unfairness.” —AndrewSolomon, TheNewYork TimesBookReview “Thoughtful andmoving, incisive and provocative, Sticks andStones is essential reading for any educator trying to negotiate theminefield of bullying.” —Paul Tough, author of HowChildrenSucceed
AudioCD: 978-0-385-36279-5 $40.00/$46.00Can. AudioDL: 978-0-385-36280-1 $20.00/$24.00Can. BOTCD: 978-0-385-36281-8 $40.00/$46.00Can. BOTDL: 978-0-385-36282-5 $76.00/$86.00Can. EB: 978-0-679-64400-2 $11.99/$13.99Can.
UniversalThemes: Bullying,Empathy,Tolerance CompanionTitles: ToKill aMockingbird,TheOutsiders, 13ReasonsWhy
=8thgrade :
The rivetingstoryof thehighlydecorated, barrier-breaking, historicblack regiment—theHarlemHellfighters. TheHarlemHellfighters byMaxBrooks IllustratedbyCaananWhite
Mature Thematic Content
T heHarlemHellfighters isa fictionalizedaccount of the369th InfantryRegiment—the first AfricanAmerican regimentmustered to fight inWorldWar I. Fromtheenlistment lines inHarlemto the training campat Spartanburg, SouthCarolina, to the trenches inFrance, bestselling authorMaxBrooks tells the thrillingstoryof theheroic journey that these soldiersundertook for achance to fight forAmerica.Despiteextraordinary strugglesanddiscrimination, the369thbecameoneof themost successful— and least celebrated—regimentsof thewar. TheHarlemHellfighters, as their enemiesnamed them, spent longer thananyotherAmericanunit incombat anddisplayedextraordinaryvalor on thebattlefield. Basedon trueeventsand featuringartwork fromacclaimed illustratorCaananWhite, thesepagesdeliver anaction-packedandpowerful storyof courage, honor, andheart. BroadwayBooks TR 978-0-307-46497-2 272pp. $16.95/$19.95Can. ExamCopy:$3.00 Formorebooksbytheauthor,goto: AuthorMaxBrooks isavailabletoSkypewithclassesthatadoptTheHarlem Hellfighters.Formore information, email .
“Informed by judicious historical research and vividly illustrated storytelling, this book itself is an historical ‘first,’ and is amajor contribution to our understanding of black history.” —Henry LouisGates, Jr.
UniversalThemes: War,Race CompanionTitles: SlaughterhouseFive,FallenAngels, TheThingsTheyCarried
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