Summer Reading
2014–2015 |
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NarrativeNonfiction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 DystopianFiction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 ScienceFiction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Suspense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Memoir&Biography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 GraphicNovelwithHistoricalContext. . .8 Spotlight on: LouisL’Amour . . . . . . . . . .9 Series&Books forYoungAdults. . . . .10 OrderForm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
LEGEND HC =Hardcover TR =TradePaperback MM =MassMarket AudioCD/DL =AudioEdition, CDand/or Download BOTCD/DL =BooksonTapeLibraryCDand/or Download EB = e-Book =Teacher’sGuide =ReadingLevel (Flesch-Kincaid)
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“Extraordinarilymoving . . . apowerfullydrawn survival epic.”—TheWall Street Journal Unbroken byLauraHillenbrand I nboyhood, LouisZamperini wasan incorrigibledelinquent. Asa teenager, hechanneledhisdefiance into running, discoveringa prodigious talent that carriedhimto theBerlinOlympics. ButwhenWorld War II began, theathletebecameanairman, embarkingona journey that led toadoomed flight onanafternoon inMayof 1943.WhenhisArmyAir Forces bomber crashed into thePacificOcean, Zamperini survivedagainst all odds, adrift ona foundering life raft.Driven to the limitsof endurance, Zamperini wouldanswer desperationwith ingenuity; sufferingwithhope, resolve, and humor; brutalitywith rebellion.His fate,whether triumphor tragedy,wouldbe suspendedon the frayingwireof hiswill. Unbroken isanunforgettable testament to the resilienceof thehuman mind, body, andspirit, brought vividly to life. RandomHouse HC 978-1-4000-6416-8 496pp. $28.00/$33.00Can. ExamCopy:$14.00 Soon tobe amajormotion picture, in theaters 12/25/14
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UniversalThemes: Survival,War,Redemption CompanionTitles: Maus, InTheGardenofBeasts, TheGreatestGeneration
“IfBollywoodeverdecides todo itsownversionof TheWire, this wouldbe it.”—BarbaraEhrenreich, authorofNickel andDimed Behind theBeautiful Forevers Life, Death, andHope inaMumbai Undercity byKatherineBoo Winnerof theNationalBookAward, the LosAngelesTimes BookPrize, and theAmericanAcademyofArtsandLettersLiteratureAward; Finalist for thePulitzerPrizeand theNationalBookCriticsCircleAward I n thisbrilliantlywrittenbook, basedonbasedon threeyearsof uncompromising reporting, abewilderingageof global changeand inequality ismadehuman. As Indiabegins toprosper, the residentsof Annawadi, amakeshift settlement near theMumbai airport, areelectric withhope. Abdul, a teenager, ison thevergeof liftinghis familyof eleven out of poverty. Asha,mother of three, isdetermined tomakeher daughter Annawadi’s first femalecollegegraduate. ButwhenAbdul is falselyaccused inashocking tragedy, tensionsover religion, caste, sex, power, andeconomic envyescalateand the truecontoursof anunequal, desperatelycompetitive market cityare revealed. RandomHouse TR 978-0-8129-7932-9 288pp. $16.00/$18.00Can. ExamCopy:$3.00
“This book belongs on reading lists as awork that allows high schoolers to see the incredible hardships of life in a developing country.” —School Library Journal “There are books that change theway you feel and see; this is one of them.” —AdrianNicoleLeBlanc, author of RandomFamily
AudioCD: 978-0-307-93405-5 $35.00/$41.00Can. AudioDL: 978-0-307-93406-2 $17.50/$20.50Can. BOTCD: 978-0-307-93407-9 $35.00/$41.00Can. BOTDL: 978-0-307-93408-6 $66.50/$75.50Can. EB: 978-0-679-64395-1 $11.99/$11.99Can.
=8thgrade :
UniversalThemes: Social Inequality,Self-Determination, Economic Injustice CompanionTitles: TheGodofSmall Things,GreatExpectations
“Ender,Katniss, andnowDarrow.” —ScottSigler, authorofPandemic:ANovel RedRising byPierceBrown
R edRising, the first book inanepic trilogybydebut authorPierce Brown, is thestoryof asociety inadesolate future, drivenbyclass conflict andshakenby tremorsof an impending revolution. Butmore than that, it’s thestoryofDarrow—asecret revolutionarywho is inspirednot onlybya longing for social justice, but by lost love. It isonlywhenDarrow’s belovedwife isexecutedby theoppressivegovernment that hebegins toquestion theharshworldhe lives in.Recruitedbyanunderground revolutionarycell,Darrow isgivenaperilousmission: infiltrate theacademy that educates theelite—andbecomeoneof them. DelRey HC 978-0-345-53978-6 400pp. $25.00/$25.00Can. ExamCopy:$12.50 Donotorderpaperbackbefore7/15/2014. DelRey TR 978-0-345-53980-9 400pp. $14.00/$17.00Can. ExamCopy:$3.00 EB: 978-0-345-53979-3 *HU
“Reminiscent of . . . SuzanneCollins’s TheHunger Games. . . . [RedRising] will captivate readers and leave themwantingmore.” —School Library Journal, (starred review) “Amust for both fans of classic sci-fi and fervent followers of new school dystopian epics.” —
UniversalThemes: Dystopia,Survival CompanionTitles: Ender’sGame, Lordof theFlies
TheTruthWill TestYou. . . Relic (TheBooksof Eva I) byHeather Terrell IllustratedbyRicardoCortes
W henEva’s twinbrother, Eamon, falls tohisdeath just a fewmonths beforehe isdue toparticipate inTheTesting, nooneexpectsEva to takehisplace. She’saMaiden, slated for embroideryclasses, curtseys, and soonaprestigiousmarriagebefitting thedaughter of anAerie ruler. But Eva insistsonhonoringher brother bybecomingaTestor. After all, shewouldn’t be the firstMaiden toTest, just the first in150years. Evaknows theTesting isnodanceclass.Gallant Testors train for their entire lives tosearch icywastelands forRelics: artifactsof thecorrupt civilization that existedbeforeTheHealingdrowned theworld.Out in the BoundaryLands, Evamust relyoneverymoment of the lightning-quick trainingshe received fromLukas—her servant, aBoundarynative, andher closest friendnowthat Eamon isgone. SohoTeen HC 978-1-61695-196-2 288pp. $17.99/$17.99Can. ExamCopy: $9.00 EB: 978-1-61695-197-9 $17.99/$17.99Can.
“Fanswith an insatiable appetite will eat this up.” —Booklist “Adult author Terrell, in her books for teens, weaves fresh complexity . . . with smart, thoughtful, and resourceful heroines.” —PublishersWeekly
UniversalThemes: Dystopia,GenderRoles,TheHero’sJourney CompanionTitles: TheOdyssey,Handmaid’sTale
=9thgrade :
JamesBondmeetsDouglasAdams in this taleof alienpossessionand international espionage. TheLivesof Tao byWesleyChu A noverweight slacker namedRoenwakesupone morningwithastrangevoice inhishead.Hesooncomes to learn that thevoice isadisembodiedalienwhocrashed toearth millionsof yearsago. Thealien, Tao, ispart of acohort of alienscalled Quasingwhocrash-landedonEarth together. Since the fall of the Romanempire, thealienshavebeenwagingawar todecide thebest means toget home—thepragmaticGenjixdon’t carewhether their methodsdestoryhumankind,while themoregentilepeopleof Tao’s tribeareprepared to takea lessdestructiveapproach. Tao trains Roen tobeawarrior against theGenjix in this first volumeof a plannedduology. AngryRobot MM 978-0-85766-329-0 464pp. $7.99/$9.99Can. ExamCopy:$3.00
Winner, ALEXAward
“WesleyChu delivers an action-laced sci-fi thriller filledwith clever ideas and witty, engaging characters. A thoroughly enjoyable ride.” —JohnMarco, author of The Inhumans andTheTyrants andKings Trilogy
UniversalThemes: Identity,Transformation CompanionTitles: SlaughterhouseFive,Kafkaon theShore
Amission toMars.Afreakaccident. Oneman’sstruggle tosurvive. TheMartian : ANovel byAndyWeir
Mature Thematic Content
A fter adust stormnearlykillshimand forceshiscrew toevacuatewhileassuminghimdead,Mark findshimself strandedonMarsandcompletelyalonewithnoway tosignal Earth that he’salive—andeven if hecouldgetwordout, hissupplieswouldbegone longbeforea rescuecouldarrive. Chancesare, though,Markwon’t have time tostarve todeath. The damagedmachinery, unforgivingenvironment, or plain-old “humanerror” aremuchmore likely tokill himfirst. But he isn’t ready togiveup just yet. Drawingonhis ingenuity, hisengineeringskills—anda relentless, dogged refusal toquit—Marksteadfastlyconfrontsoneseemingly insurmountable obstacleafter thenext.Will his resourcefulnessbeenough toovercome the impossibleoddsagainst him? Crown HC 978-0-8041-3902-1 384pp. $24.00/$28.00Can. ExamCopy:$12.00 Donotorderpaperbackbefore11/4/2014. BroadwayBooks TR 978-0-553-41802-6 384pp. $15.00/$18.00Can. ExamCopy:$3.00 EB: 978-0-8041-3903-8 $11.99/$12.99Can.
“Abook I just couldn’t put down! It has the very rare combination of a good, original story, interestingly real characters and fascinating technical accuracy.” —Astronaut ChrisHadfield, Commander of the International SpaceStation andauthor of An Astronaut’sGuide to LifeonEarth
UniversalThemes: Survival,TheJourney,Courage CompanionTitles: TheRightStuff, LifeofPi,Alas,Babylon
WeareSinclairs.Beautiful. Privileged.Damaged. LIARS. WeWereLiars byE. Lockhart Abeautiful anddistinguished family. Aprivate island. Abrilliant, damagedgirl; apassionate, political boy. Agroupof four friends—theLiars—whose friendship turnsdestructive. Arevolution. Anaccident. Asecret. Liesupon lies. W eWereLiars isamodern, sophisticatedsuspensenovel from National BookAward finalist andPrintzAwardhonoreeE. Lockhart. Read it. And if anyoneasksyouhow it ends, just LIE. DelacortePress HC 978-0-385-74126-2 240pp. $17.99/$19.99Can. ExamCopy:$9.00 True love. The truth.
Five StarredReviews! Booklist TheHornBook KirkusReviews PublishersWeekly School Library Journal
AudioCD: 978-0-8041-6839-7 $35.00/$41.00Can. AudioDL: 978-0-8041-6840-3 $18.00/$21.00Can. BOTCD: 978-0-8041-6841-0 $35.00/$41.00Can. BOTDL: 978-0-8041-6842-7 $44.00/$51.00Can. EB: 978-0-375-98440-2 $10.99/$11.99Can.
“Thrilling, beautiful, and blisteringly smart, WeWere Liars is utterly unforgettable.” —JohnGreen, #1NewYork Times bestselling author of TheFault inOur Stars
UniversalThemes: FamilySecrets, Loss,Memory CompanionTitles: TheGreatGatsby,KingLear
Anelectrifyingdebut novel about a familybeing torn apart by thewomanwhoclaims to love themmost. Mother,Mother : ANovel byKorenZailckas D arklysuspenseful andaddictively readable, different membersof theHurst familynarrateMother,Mother: teenage daughterViolet,whoseexperimentswithdrugs landher inamental ward; Will, a twelve-year-oldautisticboyshrinking further intohisownworld; their father,Douglas,whospends toomuch timeworkingand the rest withabottleof scotch; and theirmother, Josephine,whosecontrolling andseemingly innocentmaneuversmay just be thesourceof everyone’s despair. Then there’sRose, thesisterwho ranaway—tiredof Josephine’s interferences,Rose left yearsagoandhasn’t beenheard fromsince. But ashermother’s intentionsbecomemore terrifyinglyclear, Violetwonders whether something farworsehappened toher older sister. Crown HC 978-0-385-34723-5 384pp. $24.00/$27.00Can. ExamCopy:$12.00 Donotorderpaperbackbefore7/8/2014. BroadwayBooks TR 978-0-385-34725-9 400pp. $15.00/$18.00Can. ExamCopy:$3.00
Winner, ALEXAward
“Ahauntingmeditation on family, love and unimaginable loss. . . . A firecracker thriller full of whip-smart psychological insights.” —SanFranciscoChronicle “An excellent page-turner recommended for thosewho enjoy psychological thrillers and aren’t afraid of narratives that look evil in the face.” —School Library Journal
AudioDL: 978-0-8041-4923-5 $22.50/$25.50Can. BOTDL: 978-0-8041-4924-2 $95.00/$108.00Can. EB: 978-0-385-34724-2 $11.99/$12.99Can.
UniversalThemes: Dysfunctional Families, Loss CompanionTitles: OrdinaryPeople,TheGlassMenagerie, AnnaKarenina
America’s infinitepossibilitiesare revealed in this newclassicabout self-inventionanddiscovery. MyBelovedWorld bySoniaSotomayor
“[A] compelling and powerfullywrittenmemoir about identity and coming of age. . . . An eloquent and affecting testament to the triumph of brains and hardwork over circumstance, of a childhood dream realized through extraordinarywill and dedication.” —TheNewYork Times T he firstHispanicandonly the thirdwomanappointed to theUnited StatesSupremeCourt, SoniaSotomayor becamean instant American icon.Recountingher life fromaBronxhousingproject to the federal bench, Sotomayor’sstoryoffersan inspiring testament toher ownextraordinarydeterminationand thepower of believing inoneself. Vintage TR 978-0-345-80483-9 432pp. $15.95/$18.95Can. ExamCopy:$3.00
AudioCD: 978-0-307-91310-4 $40.00/$46.00Can. AudioDL: 978-0-307-91311-1 $20.00/$24.00Can. BOTCD: 978-0-307-91312-8 $40.00/$46.00Can. BOTDL: 978-0-307-91313-5 $76.00/$86.00Can. EB: 978-0-307-96216-4 $11.99/$13.99Can.
“In her own often straightforward, occasionally soaringwriting style,
Sotomayor succeeds inMyBelovedWorld in crafting an often old-fashioned tale of overcoming obstacles.” —LosAngelesTimes
UniversalThemes: Identity,ComingofAge,Multiculturalism CompanionTitles: TheHouseonMangoStreet,Almost aWoman
ACinderellastory for the Internet age. Minecraft TheUnlikelyTaleofMarkus “Notch” Persson and theGame that ChangedEverything byDaniel GoldbergandLinusLarsson TranslatedbyJenniferHawkins T hisbookoffersauniqueand in-depth lookat thecreator of the “virtual Lego” gameMinecraft,Markus “Notch”Persson, andhis rise fromunknowncomputer programmer to internationalmultimillionaire gaming icon. “I have been followingMinecraft closely for over three years, and yet this book consistently surprisedmewith new insights into the game’s development. It focuses on the human story behind all those pixelated blocks. I have a new respect for Notch’s accomplishmentswithMinecraft and for all the hardwork that theMojang’ers have devoted tomaking the game such a phenomenon. This book offers a fascinating and honest
peek into themind of themanwhomadeMinecraft a reality.” —Joel Levin, teacher and one of the creators of
SevenStoriesPress HC 978-1-60980-537-1 256pp. $21.95/$21.95Can. ExamCopy:$11.00 EB: 978-1-60980-538-8 $21.95/$21.95Can.
“This book takes [Persson’s] story and gives you a closer look. You learn about theman behind the game. His childhood, his family, the growth of his company and the lives of the people whowork there. It doesn’t just give you the big, enormous, glamour-filled cut scenes that you read about on the Internet. This book gives you the pixels, the details.” —BookRiot
UniversalThemes: Creativity, Innovation,Biography CompanionTitles: Outliers, 20,000LeaguesUnder theSea
Amust-read forparents, educators, advocates, andkidsabout theneed tounderstand teenagecruelty in the Internet era—and whatwecandoabout it SticksandStones : Defeating the Cultureof BullyingandRediscovering thePower of Character andEmpathy byEmilyBazelon B einga teenager hasnever beeneasy, but in recent years,with the riseof the Internet andsocialmedia, it’sbecomeexponentiallymorechallenging. Blendingkeen journalisticandnarrativeskills,EmilyBazelonexplores facets of bullying through thestoriesof threeyoungpeoplewho found themselves caught in the thickof it, bringing readersonadeeply researched, clear- eyed journey into theever-shifting landscapeof teenagemeannessand its sometimesdevastatingconsequences. The result isagroundbreakingbook thatwill helpparents, educators, and teensbetter understandwhat kidsare going through todayandwhat canbedone tohelp them. RandomHouseTradePaperbacks TR 978-0-8129-8263-3 416pp. $16.00/$18.00Can. ExamCopy:$3.00
“Intelligent, rigorous . . . [EmilyBazelon] is a compassionate champion for justice in the domain of childhood’s essential unfairness.” —AndrewSolomon, TheNewYork TimesBookReview “Thoughtful andmoving, incisive and provocative, Sticks andStones is essential reading for any educator trying to negotiate theminefield of bullying.” —Paul Tough, author of HowChildrenSucceed
AudioCD: 978-0-385-36279-5 $40.00/$46.00Can. AudioDL: 978-0-385-36280-1 $20.00/$24.00Can. BOTCD: 978-0-385-36281-8 $40.00/$46.00Can. BOTDL: 978-0-385-36282-5 $76.00/$86.00Can. EB: 978-0-679-64400-2 $11.99/$13.99Can.
UniversalThemes: Bullying,Empathy,Tolerance CompanionTitles: ToKill aMockingbird,TheOutsiders, 13ReasonsWhy
=8thgrade :
The rivetingstoryof thehighlydecorated, barrier-breaking, historicblack regiment—theHarlemHellfighters. TheHarlemHellfighters byMaxBrooks IllustratedbyCaananWhite
Mature Thematic Content
T heHarlemHellfighters isa fictionalizedaccount of the369th InfantryRegiment—the first AfricanAmerican regimentmustered to fight inWorldWar I. Fromtheenlistment lines inHarlemto the training campat Spartanburg, SouthCarolina, to the trenches inFrance, bestselling authorMaxBrooks tells the thrillingstoryof theheroic journey that these soldiersundertook for achance to fight forAmerica.Despiteextraordinary strugglesanddiscrimination, the369thbecameoneof themost successful— and least celebrated—regimentsof thewar. TheHarlemHellfighters, as their enemiesnamed them, spent longer thananyotherAmericanunit incombat anddisplayedextraordinaryvalor on thebattlefield. Basedon trueeventsand featuringartwork fromacclaimed illustratorCaananWhite, thesepagesdeliver anaction-packedandpowerful storyof courage, honor, andheart. BroadwayBooks TR 978-0-307-46497-2 272pp. $16.95/$19.95Can. ExamCopy:$3.00 Formorebooksbytheauthor,goto: AuthorMaxBrooks isavailabletoSkypewithclassesthatadoptTheHarlem Hellfighters.Formore information, email .
“Informed by judicious historical research and vividly illustrated storytelling, this book itself is an historical ‘first,’ and is amajor contribution to our understanding of black history.” —Henry LouisGates, Jr.
UniversalThemes: War,Race CompanionTitles: SlaughterhouseFive,FallenAngels, TheThingsTheyCarried
For the first timeever, agraphicnovel fromoneof the most belovedstorytellers, LouisL’Amour. Lawof theDesert Born AGraphicNovel byLouisL’Amour, BeauL’Amour, andKatherineNolan T he first graphicnovel adaptationof theworkofmaster storyteller LouisL’Amour isadynamic taleof theOldWest that explores the borderlandsof loyaltyandbetrayal with theemotional grittinessof a noir thriller. Bantam HC 978-0-345-52812-4 160pp. $25.00/$28.00Can. ExamCopy:$12.50 m EB: 978-0-345-53856-7 $12.99/$14.99Can. AdaptedbyCharlesSantino IllustratedbyThomasYeates
UniversalThemes: Loyalty,Betrayal,Prejudice CompanionTitles: All thePrettyHorses,OfMiceandMen, TheUnvanquished
“This actuallymay be the story’s ideal form, since the author’s sonBeau came to realize that the core of the talewas the tense relationship between [Marone] and Lopez. . . . The graphic novel version provides room to develop this theme. Yeates’s black-and-white depiction of the rugged landscape and the hard-bitten characters is superb. The result is stunning and richly textured.” —PublishersWeekly “[An] interesting tale of range rivalries turned bloody. . . . Fans of L’Amour’s stories should enjoy thiswork, adults or teens.” —School Library Journal
ALSOAVAILABLE: Lawof theDesert Born: Stories Bantam MM 978-0-553-24133-4 256pp. $5.99/$6.99Can. ExamCopy:$3.00 RetailAudioDL: 978-0-7393-6536-6 $7.50/$8.95Can. BOTLibraryAudioDL: 978-1-4159-5645-8 $17.10/$17.30Can. EB: 978-0-553-89937-5 $5.99/$6.99Can.
=6thgrade forall
FormorebooksbyLouisL’Amour, goto:
TheDaybreakers Bantam MM 978-0-553-27674-9 224pp. $5.99/$6.99Can. ExamCopy:$3.00 AudioCD: 978-0-7393-1904-8 $25.95/$30.00Can. AudioDL: 978-0-553-75319-6 $12.95/$16.00Can. BOTCD: 978-0-7366-9918-1 $45.00/$54.00Can. BOTDL: 978-1-4159-5289-4 $47.50/$55.00Can. EB: 978-0-553-89906-1 $5.99/$6.99Can. Hondo Bantam MM 978-0-553-28090-6 224pp. $5.99/$6.99Can. ExamCopy:$3.00 AudioCD: 978-0-7393-1092-2 $21.00/$28.00Can. AudioDL: 978-0-7393-1093-9 $10.50/$13.95Can. BOTCD: 978-1-4159-0210-3 $45.00/$54.00Can. BOTDL: 978-0-7393-4633-4 $42.80/$48.00Can. EB: 978-0-553-89924-5 $5.99/$6.99Can.
Sackett Bantam MM 978-0-553-27684-8 176pp. $5.99/$6.99Can. ExamCopy:$3.00
AudioCD: 978-0-7393-2113-3 $30.00/$37.00Can. AudioDL: 978-0-553-75388-2 $12.95/$16.00Can. BOTCD: 978-1-4159-9984-4 $36.00/$43.00Can. BOTDL: 978-1-4159-5287-0 $38.00/$42.00Can. EB: 978-0-553-89970-2 $5.99/$6.99Can.
g Interestedinarrangingaclassroom Skypesessionwithamemberof the
m Readhowoneteacherengaged
¢ AreyouafanofLouisL’Amour’sbooks? Readwhatothershavetosay, andshare yourowncomments intheGuestbookat:
hisreluctant readerswithbooksby LouisL’Amour:
L’Amour family?Emailusat highschool@ formore information.
SOHOTEEN publishesaselect list of YAmysteries and thrillersby international bestsellers, awardwinners, anddebut novelists. Their titles include theparanormal anddystopian, thehumorousand realistic, the tragicand uplifting—whatever servesagreat storybest.
Founded in2002, QUIRKBOOKS publishes innovativeandbuzz-worthybooks that entertain, amuse, and inform. m
HollowCity TheSecondNovel of MissPeregrine’sHome for Peculiar Children byRansomRiggs H avingescapedMiss Peregrine’s islandby the skinof their teeth, Jacoband hisnewfriendsmust journey to London, thepeculiar capital of theworld. Along theway, they encounter newallies, amenagerie
Dancer, Daughter, Traitor, Spy byElizabethKiem T hisYAmysteryweaves bittersweet first loveand
ColdWar espionage, the burgeoningRussianmafia, and the livesof immigrants whoarealwaysunder suspicion. SohoTeen TR 978-1-61695-422-2 288pp. $9.99/$9.99Can. ExamCopy:$3.00 EB: 978-1-61695-264-8 $9.99/$9.99Can.
of peculiar animals, andother unexpectedsurprises. QuirkBooks HC 978-1-59474-612-3 400pp. $17.99/$19.99Can. ExamCopy:$9.00 EB: 978-1-59474-620-8 $17.99/$19.99Can. Princesses BehavingBadly Real Stories from
=8thgrade :
Liv, Forever byAmyTalkington “A n interestingmixof paranormal fiction, mystery, and romance. . . . Liv isa likableoutsiderwhose lackof understandingof
HistoryWithout the Fairy-TaleEndings byLindaRodriguez McRobbie “H istoryhasproduced somevery real, very dangerous ladieswho
[WickhamHall’s] traditions should resonatewith readers who’veever felt like theydon’t quite fit in.” —School LibraryJournal SohoTeen HC 978-1-61695-322-5 288pp. $17.99/$17.99Can. ExamCopy:$9.00 EB: 978-1-61695-323-2 $17.99/$17.99Can.
make theirmovieandbook counterpartsseemlameby comparison”—GeeksofDoom QuirkBooks HC 978-1-59474-644-4 288pp. $19.95/$19.95Can. ExamCopy:$10.00 AudioDL: 978-0-8041-9109-8 $20.00/$23.00Can. BOTDL: 978-0-8041-9110-4 $76.00/$86.00Can. EB: 978-1-59474-665-9 $19.95/$19.95Can.
WhatWeLost in theDark byJacquelineMitchard “T wo teensafflicted witha raremedical disorder continueunraveling themysterybegun inWhat WeSawatNight. . . . Awild cliffhanger ended the first, so
Tales fromLovecraft MiddleSchool #4 Substitute Creature byCharlesGilman D uringasnowstorm, Robert Arthur andhis friends find themselves marooned insideLovecraft MiddleSchool. Thekidshave
readerswill definitelywant toget their handson this sequel.”—KirkusReviews SohoTeen HC 978-1-61695-143-6 270pp. $17.99/$17.99Can. ExamCopy:$9.00 EB: 978-1-61695-144-3 $17.99/$17.99Can.
nochoicebut tospend the night—andendup facingoff against amysterioussubstitute teacher whomayhaveasinister secret. QuirkBooks HC 978-1-59474-640-6 176pp. $13.99/$14.99Can. ExamCopy:$7.00 EB: 978-1-59474-659-8 $13.99/$14.99Can.
DARKHORSECOMICS was founded in1986by MikeRichardsonasanoffshoot of hisOregoncomic- book retail chain, ThingsFromAnotherWorld. Twenty- fiveyears later, thecompanyhasgrown tobecome the third-largest comicspublisher in theUnitedStates, known for such titlesasStarWars, Buffy, andHellboy.
STRANGECHEMISTRY isaglobal imprint dedicated to thebest inmodernYAscience fiction, fantasy, supernatural, andeverything inbetween.
m : 9thgrade forall
StolenSongbird MaledictionTrilogy BookOne byDanielleL. Jensen “T hebook is full of magic, adventure, outlandishcreatures, andat itsheart isoneof themost touching lovestories I have ever read. . . . Thisnovel takesaveryold fairy-tale clichéand turns it intoa
Donotorder thebelowtitlesbefore6/1/14.
Hellboy, Volume1 Seedof Destruction byMikeMignolaand JohnByrne H ellboy, theworld’sgreatest paranormal investigator, is
theonly thingstandingbetween sanityand insanityashebattles themystical forcesof the netherworldanda trulybizarre plagueof frogs. DarkHorse TR 978-1-59307-094-6 128pp. $17.95/$19.99Can. ExamCopy:$3.00 Emilyand the Strangers
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