Spring Branch ISD February 2023
for the final stretch of the season with hopes of leaving a legacy and making a splash in the postseason meets. She is the undisputed leader of the Tigers. “I think everyone looks prett y strong,” he said. “Our relays are real ly sol id. It ’s a lot about communication and I think our team excels at that . We al l connect That ’s just what it takes to be a par t of the family business. S P R I N G WO O D S ’ J E N N I N G S T O C A R R Y F AM I L Y L E G A C Y I N T H E WA T E R BUSINESS THE FAMILY \\ Matthew Ogle real ly wel l .” Outside of the natatorium, Jennings is involved in Spring Woods High theatre, as a par t of the tech team. While swimming remains her main focus, she thrives on staying busy in the pool and out of it . It ’s all about balance. “I’ ll have school , which runs well after the last bell ,” she said. “ Then it ’s off to club practice (for the Houston Bridge Bats) until 7 pm. I’ ll do homework , eat and go to bed. I don’ t really get too much free time but I will make it a point to squeeze in theatre. It takes a lot of commitment .”
SWIMMING IS THE JENNINGS’ FAMILY BUSINESS, AND BUSINESS HAS BEEN GOOD. Spring Woods’ Hannah Jennings has been around a pool for as long as she can remember. “Both my parents swam when they were younger,” Jennings said. “I’ve been swimming since I was three years old. All my brothers did it as well , and as I got older it just progressed from Summer League to Club swimming. That took it to a different level.” She follows her older brothers — Josh (26), Jake (22), and Samuel (21) – who also swam for Spring Woods. Notably, Samuel earned a bronze medal in the 2020 UIL State Meet , prior to swimming in college for Grand Canyon University. It can be difficult to live up to the legacy established by those before you, which is something that Jennings has experienced. However, she has always used it as motivation to push herself fur ther. “It [competing with a legacy] has been kind of a struggle… everyone knowing you as your brother ’s younger sister,” said Jennings. “Obviously, I’m not to the level that he was, yet . But , you know, I’m getting there and I’m trying to be like him [Samuel] and get better. I want to make my own name for myself.” Jennings is preparing
s p r i n g b ra c h i s d . c om / / F E B 2023 / / S P R I N G B R A N C H I S D / / 27
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