Spring 2019 Member Magazine
The Lenten season is in f ll swing! Man know that Lent is preceded b Mardi Gras and begins on Ash Wednesda , then concl des with an Easter celebration. What else is there to know? Let’s test o r knowledge! 1. How many days are in Lent?
2. What was the original meaning of the word “Lent”? 3. What color vestments does the priest wear during Lent? 4. How many Stations of the Cross are there? 5. On what days are Catholics required to fast during Lent? 6. What is the Triduum? So how did you do? Check your answers below.
The Pope shared in his Lenten message “to leave behind our selfishness and self-absorption, and turn to Jesus’ Pasch.” He encouraged us to “stand beside our brothers and sisters in need, sharing our spiritual and material goods with them.” As you continue on your Lenten jo rne , what are o doing to live o t the Pope’s message?
includes the three holiest days of the Church year from sundown on Holy Thursday, through Good Friday and Holy Saturday, to sundown on Easter Sunday.
Answers: 1: 40; 2: Spring; 3: P rple; 4: 14; 5: Ash Wednesda and Good Frida ; 6: “Trid m” comes from the Latin word for three, and it
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