Spring 2019 Member Magazine
As always, thank you for being a member and being part of something greater than yourself.
President & CEO Bill O’Toole and Director of Member Engagement Sally Krochalk presented Amber Carey from the American Red Cross with a check for $10,000 to support disaster relief efforts.
ased, membership organization that serves God through serving others, hances the quality of life. What a powerful combination! hts some of the initiatives, events and benefits that make us unique. s is one of the purposes of our Society. In celebration of this value and in honor of iates who recently retired, we are pleased to announce the Joseph E. Gadbois “God ntest. Learn more about it on page 13. s for their volunteer service in the community, a new “Angels Among Us” program was hen someone is seen doing good work in the community, they will be presented with an 15 for more information about the “Angels Among Us” program.
summer events will start soon. Consider bringing a guest to one of these affordable, family-fun pages 10-11. These events are another way we work to provide you with value for your membership. what makes this organization great? You do! In order to best fulfill our mission, we need more d, in order to do that, I need your help. We’re growing; we’re hiring! Please check out the article on to learn more about the rewarding opportunity of being an advisor with Catholic Financial Life. ys, thank you for being a member and a part of something greater than yourself. I pray that you have a d Lent and Happy Easter … Spring is almost here! ernally,
William R. O’Toole President & CEO bill.otoole@catholicfinanciallife.org 414-278-6700
To sign up for the e-version of the magazine, visit catholicfinanciallife.org/radiantlife
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