Simplicity Digital Edition
Introducing Simplicity patterns for your American Girl ® doll!
8041 PG.724
©2015 American Girl. All rights reserved. American Girl and associated trademarks are owned by and used under license from American Girl. To shop online in the U.K., E.U. and AU./Pour acheter en ligne au Royaume Uni, aux États Unis et en Australie./Para comprar en línea en el Reino Unido, en los Estados Unidos y en Australia. © 2015 Simplicity Pattern Co. Inc. Printed in USA. Simplicity is a registered trademark./Imprimido en los Estados Unidos. Simplicity es una marca registrada de Simplicity Pattern Co. Inc./Imprimé aux Etats-Unis. Simplicity est la marque déposée de Simplicity Pattern Co. Inc. Issue 1510S Dyes from fabrics and other supplies may bleed onto your doll or her clothes and leave permanent stains. The use of light colored fabrics and materials will help to reduce the risk. American Girl and Simplicity are not responsible for any damage caused by the use of craft supplies for doll apparel.
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