Simplicity 1806S

Learn to Sew pattern & instructions ideal for beginners

 kid friendly

 simple

guidesheet instructions

SIZES 3-14

SIZES 3-14

 easy to follow for beginners

Learn Basics Skills:  cut out a pattern  understand seam allowance  choose the right size  stitch seams  make an elastic casing  stitch a hem

2290 Child’s, Teens’ And Adults Pants Niñas, Adolescentes Y Adultos: Pantalónes Enfant, Adolescent Et Adultes: Pantalons L US $14.95

Size: A (XS – L / XS – XL) Euro: A (XP – G / XP – XG) Fr.: A (TP – G / TP – TG) Instrucciones En Español


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