Show Me the Ozarks August 2022

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Phajjia Gordon Meet Missouri’s Discus, Shot Put and Javelin Star

Age: 17 Grade: 12th Grade School: Lamar High School P hajjia Gordon loves just about any sport, but she is an undeniable track and field champion. Last year, the Lamar High School

senior won first in state for discus and fifth in shot put. At conference, she got first in discus and shot put and second in javelin. As her coach often says, “Just throw far!” That’s no problem for Phajjia. All this and she also plays volleyball, basketball, softball, gets good grades and has a job. Oh, and did we mention she has 13 siblings? Let’s learn more about this amazing athlete! What sports do you play? How long have you played each one?

“No matter what I do, I’m still good in God’s eyes.” – Phajjia Gordon

Do you have any goals for college athletics? I would like to go to Pittsburg State University to throw javelin, disc, hammer and shot. Two of my older siblings went to college on sports scholarships, so I want to follow in their footsteps. My sister Kaitlyn went to Ft. Scott (Community

College), and my brother Zach went to Pitt. When it comes to sports, what is a great piece of advice you’ve received from a coach, mentor or parent? I have two. One is funny because my coach always says, “Just throw far.” I do stress out a lot, and I put a lot of pressure on myself because I want to do a good job. There’s an inspirational quote I like that says: “No matter what I do, I’m still good in God’s eyes.” It helps me remember that I’m doing what I’m supposed to. Tell us a little bit about your life outside of sports. Do you have any siblings? Pets? Other hobbies and interests? I’m one of 13 siblings! I’m exactly in the middle. There’s an older bunch and a younger bunch. I’m the oldest of the younger bunch. Our house is very loud and chaotic, but I don’t think I would want a normal life. I really like having a huge family, and I want to have a huge family someday. I tell my family I want to outchild my mother!

I’m involved in volleyball, basketball and track. I also play softball, but more recreationally. I play on a rec team every once in a while for softball. What’s your favorite sport? What do you enjoy most about it? Track is definitely my favorite and the one I believe I can go farthest in. I look up to my sister, Kaitlyn. She went really far in track, and I would like to do as well as her. Tell us about any special awards/titles you have won. How did it feel to win? I was a state champion this year in track. I got first in state for discus. I got fifth in state for shot put. At conference, I got second in javelin and first in disc and shot. It feels amazing to know my hard work paid off!


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