Show Me the Ozarks August 2022

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Nico Carlson The Multi-talented TJ Senior Knows What it Takes to be a Team Player

Age: 17 Grade: 12th Grade

School: Thomas Jeff erson Independent Day School

F or Nico Carlson, there’s nothing quite like the support of a team, on and off the court. She has played volleyball and basketball for 6 years and has done track and field for 5 years. She said: “I’ve created countless memories and invaluable relationships through sports. I’ve learned discipline, leadership and how to make the best out of a tough situation alongside some of the best women I know. Your team

“I’ve learned discipline, leadership and how to make the best out of a tough situation alongside some of the best women I know.” – Nico Carlson I was honored to be named among them. It made me feel like I could really call myself an athlete! Do you have any plans for college athletics? I definitely want to continue volleyball in college, whether that means trying to walk onto a Division III team or joining a club. It will be sad to say goodbye to basketball and track, but wherever I go, I’ll probably be playing pick-up games or running a 5K. When it comes to sports, what is a great piece of advice you’ve received from a coach, mentor or parent? My basketball coach used to always say that on the court, you’re not a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior. You’re just a basketball player. Playing varsity as a freshman and sophomore during volleyball and basketball season was very stressful, but his words helped me remember that being the rookie doesn’t matter. If your coach puts you on the court, then you deserve to be there. You just need to try your best and play your hardest. Tell us a little bit about your life outside of sports. What do you like to do in your free time? I have a sister, a dog and three beloved cats. I love the outdoors, tutoring, writing nonsensical poems, trying new things and bettering my community with my Girl Scout troop. My favorite thing is spending time with my friends and meeting new people!

will push you to be your best self, so don’t take it for granted! Uplift your teammates and push them to be their best selves, too.” What’s your favorite sport? What do you enjoy most about it? It’s hard to pick, but volleyball is my favorite. Although getting a solid block or kill feels amazing, the most enjoyable part is experiencing the fluidity of your team. A kill can’t happen without a set, and a set can’t happen without a pass. The whole team trusts each other to do their job, and it creates a unique bond. Tell us about any special awards/titles you have won. How did it feel to win? During my junior year volleyball season, I made first team All Conference, first team All-District and the Southwest Tournament team. Even though the Southwest Tournament was only one day of the season, I’m most proud of that title. The schools we competed against were bigger and tougher than teams in our district or conference, so


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