Sheep Industry News October 2024


Who's Deserving of an Award? D uring my term as president of this outstanding organization, I have had the opportunity to travel and partic ipate in many industry meetings and conventions. I always come away from each of those deeply impressed with the volunteers who give their time, effort and many times their hard-earned dollars to make sure each of those events come off with very few hitches. I am humbled to watch how sheep producers, state association staff and ASI staff consistently deliver their passion, knowledge and devotion to this industry that they have come to love. Each year – in an effort to honor a few of these amazing volunteers, industry advocates and innovators – ASI selects from those who are nominated by the member ship for each of its annual awards. You can find the nomination form at or contact the ASI office at 303-771-3500 and the staff can send one to you. MCCLURE SILVER RAM: The McClure Silver Ram Award is dedicated to volunteer commitment and service and is

presented to a sheep producer who has made substantial contributions to the sheep industry and its organizations in their state, region or nation. The award may recog nize a lifetime of achievement or may recognize a noteworthy, shorter-term commit ment and service to the industry. Nominees should be recognized as industry leaders with nominations spelling out the candidates’ contributions to the industry and its producers. PETER ORWICK CAMPTENDER : This award recognizes industry contributions from a professional in a position or field related to sheep production. Nominees should show a strong commitment and a significant contribution to the sheep in dustry, its organizations and its producers above and beyond that called for in their professional capacity. Nominees should be respected in their fields by their peers and by sheep producers. Nominees may be involved with the industry as teachers, consultants, scientists, youth leaders, promoters, event managers, journalists or any other position directly related to the sheep industry, enabling the nominee to affect the sheep industry in a positive and long-lasting way. DISTINGUISHED PRODUCER: This award is a way to recognize an individual who has had a significant long-term impact on the industry, including involvement with the National Wool Growers Association or the American Sheep Producers Council, the predecessor organizations to ASI.

Officer Nominations Nominating Committee Chair Su san Shultz reminds leaders and state associations that nominations for ASI officer positions are due by Nov. 29. The current slate of officers all intend to submit their names for reelection. Interested producers should share a letter of interest with the ASI of fice by Nov. 29. The committee will then agree on a nomination slate of officers to be presented to the ASI Board of Directors at the ASI Annual Convention in January. Contact ASI Executive Director Peter Orwick at 303-771-3500, ext. 103, or for more information.

INDUSTRY INNOVATION : The Industry Innovation Award recognizes the accomplishments of an individual or or ganization that improves the American sheep industry in a game-changing way, regardless of whether its impact is felt at the regional, state or national level. SHEPHERD’S VOICE: The Shepherd’s Voice Award recognizes outstanding year-long coverage of the sheep industry by either print or broadcast outlets. The award excludes all publications and affiliates related solely to the sheep indus try, allowing for recognition of outlets with general coverage for excellence in covering sheep industry issues. Please take some time to consider those in your sheep circle who are deserving of recognition. We greatly appreciate and truly need each nomination we receive. Nominations are due in the ASI office by Nov. 29. Until next time, keep it on the sunny side.

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