Sheep Industry News May 2023

ASI Leads the Way in Safeguarding Sheep Production

ERICA SANKO Director of Analytics & Production Programs A SI is leading several efforts aimed at safeguarding sheep production and promoting business continuity in the face of a disease outbreak. Each project described below pro vides opportunities for sheep and wool producers to actively engage in preparedness efforts using the resources in the Secure Sheep and Wool Supply Plan. The goal is to provide support to producers who want to protect their flocks and minimize the effects of a foot-and-mouth disease outbreak on their businesses and the American sheep industry. SUPPORTING EDUCATION AND OUTREACH The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is providing more than $180,000 in Farm Bill funding to support ASI to expand awareness of sheep and wool producers – as well as those that work with and support them, including associations, extension, veterinarians, transporters and regulatory officials – about FMD preparedness and the resources in the SSWS Plan. Producers who have a deeper understanding on how to prepare for and respond to an FMD outbreak will be better positioned to protect their flocks and maintain business continuity. This makes for a more resilient American sheep industry, which benefits pro ducers, states and consumers. The two-year grant will build capacity for broad outreach and education through multiple virtual train-the-trainer programs for sheep association leadership, extension specialists and veterinar ians. Watch the ASI Weekly newsletter for those dates. For people who wish to become advanced trainers, financial support for up to 10 individuals will be available to deliver outreach direct to sheep producers in their state or region through on-farm demonstrations. This approach has been successful in other live stock industries for teaching enhanced biosecurity and contingency planning principles. Building a support network with knowledge able people in our members’ local area can strengthen awareness

and action. Attendees of the 2024 ASI Annual Convention in Denver, Colo., will have the opportunity to see firsthand implementation of the SSWS Plan on a sheep feedlot and in a sheep processing plant through an in person/on-site tour. Participants will hear about lessons learned from these operations, which may be applied at their own premises. ASI is dedicated to increasing the number of people who have the training, networking and resources to provide outreach about FMD preparedness and the SSWS Plan.

Guide to the Secure Sheep and Wool Supply (SSWS) Plan

EXERCISING THE PLAN IN COLORADO In May, ASI in collaboration with the Colorado Department of Agriculture and the Colorado Wool Growers Association will be hosting a discussion-based workshop to pilot-test the components of the SSWS Plan and permitting process of sheep with no evidence of FMD infection during an outbreak. This is the first exercise of this kind on the SSWS Plan. During the exercise, Colorado producers and packers – along with key industry representatives – will come together to develop, test and evaluate the producer SSWS Plans to meet the Secure Food Supply permitting guidance specific to Colorado. CDA will support producers who seek to request a movement permit during an “out break,” identify alignment with industry capabilities, share informa tion and note gaps in the process. The Secure Sheep and Wool Supply Plan was made possible through funding from the American Sheep Industry (ASI) Association and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS).

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