Sheep Industry News May 2022
Spring Trip Scrapbook
The 2022 ASI Spring Trip in March provided sheep producers and industry leaders a chance to visit with congressional delegations and agency leaders. For more information, see the story in the March issue of the Sheep Industry News, but here are some additional photos from the week. Clockwise from top left: The Texas delegation of Tammy Fisher, Rodney Kott, Victoria Valliant and Curry Campbell met with Rep. Austin Pfluger. Ohio members Tom Conner, Jim Stickley and Roger High met with Rep. Bob Gibbs. The Utah delegation of Sierra Nelson, Casey and Kristan Earl, Brian and Ann Okelberry, and Carolyn and Brian Bitner visited with Sen. Mitt Romney. Members of the ASI Executive Board also gathered, including: Sarah Smith, Bob Harlan, Susan Shultz, Anne Crider, Laurie Hubbard, Lisa Weeks, Tammy Fisher, Brad Boner, Steve Clements and Ben Lehfeldt.
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