Sheep Industry News March 2023

SCRAPIE Diane Sutton, DVM, of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service’s Veterinary Services provided an update on the National Scrapie Eradication Program, noting that the nation must be free of scrapie for seven years to be officially declared scrapie free, and must demonstrate it has an adequate surveillance program in place. With the surveillance program in place and the last scrapie case detected in January 2021, Sutton said, the United States has another five years to go before the eradication program can be declared a success. Lastly, USDA epidemiologist Natalie Urie, DVM, reminded

sheep producers that the National Animal Health Monitoring System will initiate its national study of the health and management of American sheep flocks in 2024. The survey will begin in Janu ary 2024 and will involve farm visits in the top 24 states involved in sheep production. During the course of seven months, researchers will visit about 5,000 farms and ranches in this voluntary program as they collect biological samples and conduct fecal parasite and pathogen testing. Participants will receive individualized results, but results will be grouped at the regional level prior to releasing the national survey results.

March 2023 • Sheep Industry News • 29

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