Sheep Industry News January 2022
ShanikoDonates Olympic Sweater to RAMS PACAuction S haniko Wool Company and Jeanne Carver of Oregon have donated a 2022 Winter Olympics sweater identical to the ones that will be worn by Team USA during the games' closing ceremonies on Feb. 20 in Beijing, China, to ASI. The sweater will be auctioned off during the annual RAMS PAC Auc tion on Jan. 21 at the ASI Annual Convention in San Diego. The donation is in memory of Jeanne's husband, Dan, who passed away in 2021. Shaniko Wool Company provided RWS certified wool for the sweater and a hat (to be worn in both the opening and closing ceremonies). The sweater is made with 100 percent wool and retails for $495. Ralph Lauren partnered with many manufacturers in the United States to produce the Team USA uniforms. Shaniko Wool Company is one of those partners. From design and manufac turing, to marketing and distribution, the parade ceremony uniforms represent the best of American talent. Ralph Lauren is honored to continue its commitment to manufacturing these uniforms in the U.S.A.
purchase the historic Imperial Stock Ranch located near the ghost town of Shaniko in 1988. Dan made a promise when he bought the ranch, to honor its history, which meant that sheep would remain an important part of the operation. Last year was the 150th consecutive year of Imperial Stock Ranch operations, raising sheep, cattle, grains and hay. Through the years, Dan developed a deep appreciation for the sheep and their history. For the next 30-plus years, Dan earned a reputation as a creative manager of natural resources. He was a leader in the nationally acclaimed Buckhollow Watershed Project, and was widely honored for his conserva tion ethic and sustainable practices. For him, grazing animals were a critical part of the health of landscapes. On the Imperial Stock Ranch, that meant sheep were an important part of the story. Dan’s leadership placed him on the board of
directors for both the Oregon Department of Agriculture and the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, where he served for eight years. In the late 1990s, Dan supported a move out of selling commodity wool and lamb, taking the harvests to product stage and into value-added markets. He loved the relationships with customers and the sense of connection. Dan touched many people in his life, inspiring those around him as he worked to “see the land win.” He knew that meant im proved harvests and a stronger bottom line. He also felt history was deeply important, and made extraordinary efforts to preserve those aspects of the operation and facilities. Dan wisely positioned the ranch to be car ried on by the next generation. He passed away at home with his family, on the Imperial Stock Ranch he loved so much.
DANIEL CARVER, 1942-2021 Dan Carver was born Dec. 14, 1942, and died on July 23, 2021. He grew up on the Oregon coast on a small beef and timber ranch. Whenever possible, he tagged along with his father into the Owyhee country of southeast Or egon. They shared a love of the desert coun try and those trips fostered the beginnings of a dream Dan would pursue his entire life – ranching in the Oregon desert. Dan earned a degree in business and engineering at Oregon State University, and then went off to Vietnam in the late 1960s. When he returned home, he started a busi ness that eventually allowed him to return to his ranching roots. Starting first with a small beef/hay operation east of the Cas cade Mountains in the 1970s, he was able to
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