Sheep Industry News February 2024
Campaign Launched to Defeat Denver Ballot Measure Prohibiting Slaughterhouses
ROGER SHERMAN A campaign has been launched to defeat a ballot mea sure that seeks to prohibit slaughterhouses in the city of Denver. The measure unfairly targets a single employee-owned business – Superior Farms – and if passed, it would force the company to shut down. If the measure passes, Denver will be the first and only city in the country to ban meat processing. The ban will negatively impact the state’s economy and important agri cultural industry – the second largest industry in the state. The ripple effect could embolden similar efforts across the country, threatening jobs and impacting the supply chain. For the plant’s 160 employee-owners and their families, this is personal. They face the loss of income and access to health care. Financial strain creates stress, depression and family tensions. Job loss not only impacts individuals but also has far-reaching consequences on family members, including children. The unemployment of parents puts children at risk, jeopardizing their well-being and stability. One of the most glaring problems with this measure is that while it requires the city to prioritize residents affected by the ordinance in workforce training or employment assis tance programs, it does not offer any financial assistance or compensation. An additional impact of the measure is the financial bur den it places on consumers. The cost of meat shipped from out of the state will inevitably rise. This increase in prices unfairly weighs on low-income families, who rely on afford able food options. The measure effectively limits access to reasonably priced meat, exacerbating the financial strain on already vulnerable households. Furthermore, the measure could cost taxpayers $70 mil lion or more to compensate Superior Farms for taking its property and forcing it to shut down. This is a significant amount of money that could be used for other critical city services, such as education, infrastructure or public safety. Thankfully, awareness about the ballot measure and the existence of a slaughterhouse in Denver are low. Recent polling shows only 12 percent of voters are aware the ban proposal will be on their ballot, and a mere 22 percent know there is a slaughterhouse in Denver. The poll also shows that while voters like farmers and ranchers, they aren’t persuaded
by the impact of a slaughterhouse ban on the agricultural community. To win, the campaign must frame the elec tion as a narrow question about a misguided idea that is both ineffective and unfair. Placing this proposal within the wider context of the agricultural community or an anti-meat agenda will be less impactful. Denver is a young and progressive city, with 67.6 percent of its population under 50 years old. Voter registration in the city consists of 46.2 percent unaffiliated, 42.8 percent Demo crat and only 9.2 percent Republican. Broadly speaking, the agricultural industry skews more conservative than the vot ers in Denver. While this measure does have statewide and national implications, these factors highlight the importance of local voices speaking out about this local issue. How can you help? Share information about the proposal with your friends, family and business associates who live in Denver. Educate them about the negative impacts of this measure on Superior Farms and its employees. We need them to speak out about this unfair targeting of a single employee-owned business and inform voters about the nega tive consequences of the measure. Financial support is critical. The bottom line is campaigns are costly. Join our campaign to Stop the Ban by making a financial contribution today. Together we can ensure the campaign has the resources to amplify our message, mobilize grassroots efforts and inform Denver voters about the nega tive consequences of the ballot measure. Visit for more information or to donate.
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