Sheep Industry News December 2022

OVIS Ͳ 40 Automatic Milk Nursing Machine for Goat Kids & Lamb

moving past some of the large supplies that had been burdening the market.

IMPORTS AND COLD STORAGE Lamb meat imports have totaled 211 million pounds in 2022 through September. That is a 5.9-percent increase compared to last year. Slightly more of that increase has come from New Zea land. Mutton imports are about 7 percent lower than last year, but remain historically large. At this rate, imports will total a record 69 percent of total lamb and mutton supplies. While they might not set a new record in pounds, less domestic production suggests that they will represent a record large share of total sup plies. The strong dollar will likely support lamb imports in the coming months. Cold storage lamb and mutton stocks began to increase from June through September, reflecting larger domestic production, strong imports and struggling lamb demand. The 31.4 million pounds in storage in September was 5.8 million pounds – 22.4 percent – more than last year. LAMB PRICES REBOUND Lamb prices across all weights and markets have tended to increase in the last several weeks. Lightweight lamb prices have tended to recover more than heavy lambs. Lambs weighing 50 to 60 pounds averaged $198 per cwt. in South Dakota during the first week of November. That is a far cry from $276 at this time last year, but an increase from $143 earlier in the summer. Heavier 100 to 110-pound lambs averaged $122 per cwt. in early November – $115 per cwt. lower than a year ago. The relatively larger increase in lightweight lamb prices has resulted in wider than usual price spreads – or price slides – by weight. San Angelo, Texas, market prices show similar trends for lightweight vs. heavyweight lambs. The New Holland, Penn., market indicates a larger light lamb price recovery relative to heavy lambs. Fifty to 60 pound, Choice 1-3, lambs increased See MARKET REPORT on Page 8

Makes 1 pint of fresh warm milk on demand Mixes milk replacer with warm water

Self Ͳ service 24/hrs a day Saves twins and triplets Capacity 40 to 60 kids

Easy to install Save valuable time and labor! 1 Ͳ 877 Ͳ 816 Ͳ 0379

December 2022 • Sheep Industry News • 7

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