Sheep Industry News August 2024
Wool Blazer Featured In Team USA Uniforms When Ralph Lauren unveiled Team USA’s uniforms for the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, many were caught off guard by the inclusion of a wool blazer. Sheep producers, however, know the value of wool in any season.
10 16
20 Helle Rambouillet Leans On Decades of Information Sheep Genetics USA visited the small town of Dillon, Mont., to talk with
NSIP Sees Leadership Change
Producers Look at Future for Dorpers, Dorsets Dr. Jake Thorne of Texas, the NSIP breed representative for Dorpers, and North Dakota’s Curt Stanley, the NSIP breed representative for Dorsets, look to the future of their respective breeds.
Black Sheep Gathering Celebrates 50 Years
After nearly a decade of leading the National Sheep Improvement Program, Rusty Burgett announced earlier this year he was leaving the organization. David Scales has since been hired to guide NSIP in the years to come.
Heather Brummer had a plan of attack heading into the 50th Black Sheep Gathering in late June in Albany, Ore. But that plan fell by the wayside when she stopped by the sheep barn on Saturday to get a look at the animals who grow the world’s most amazing natural fiber.
Rambouillet breeder John Helle about his flock and developing the Duckworth line of fine wool clothing.
August 2024 • Sheep Industry News • 3
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