Sheep Industry News August 2024
SB 23027 | Timberline Son Sold to Jason Gillilan of WV
Cinder Block SB23109 Tuba Son X Hickory Daughter
7TH ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE August 31, 2024 • 1:00pm • At The Farm SELLING 70 HEAD - 30 RAMS AND 40 EWES THICK, MEATY SUFFOLKS FROM THE SHENANDOAH VALLEY OF VIRGINIA We have placed careful selection pressure on the following traits over the years, often retaining and using sons from our very best ewe families that consistently excel, to multiply the kind of sheep that work well for us and our customers: • IMPROVED MUSCLING We are in the meat business, so we want a top quality end product for the consumer. • STRUCTURAL CORRECTNESS In the feet, legs, hip, top line and shoulder as well as rib capacity and base-width. • MATERNAL TRAITS Such as udder quality, milking ability, lambing ease, vigor, attentiveness, prolificacy, and docility for success in the lambing barn. • LONGEVITY Our flock is noted for longevity which takes healthy sheep that are built to last. • MODERATE MATURE SIZE For easy maintenance on grass and efficient feed conversion to milk and meat. Our customers have reported excellent success using our rams on hair sheep to boost muscling, growth and hybrid vigor! Complimentary Lamb BBQ at Noon Prior to the Sale ONLINE BIDDING AT COWBUYER.COM SIGHT UNSEEN SATISFACTION GUARANTEE FOR ANYONE UNABLE TO COME TO THE FARM EVENT ON SALE DAY. As the sale gets closer, check our website for the sale catalog, pedigrees, muscle scan data, sale order and videos of each lot. Feel free to stop by the farm prior to the sale to tour the barns and pastures. We enjoy meeting with current and future customers to answer questions and hear about their flock goals! BULK DISCOUNTS: 5% off 5 head, 6% off 6 etc. up to 10% off for 10 head or more!
SB 23070 | Rio Son Sold to Miles Gibbs of TX
Cast Iron SB23113 Tuba Son X Timberline Daughter
SB 23118 | Tuba Daughter Sold to Josh Cruz of CT
Tuba Emenheiser 22T03 Deep in Batt Genetics
SB 23111 | Tuba Son Sold to Jason Gillilan of WV
Timberline Kimm 19033 +3.53 NSIP Muscle
George SB1008 Timberline Son X Tahoe
SB 23043 | Timberline Son Sold to John Baglien of OR
SB 2122 | Timberline Son Sold to Eric Dalton of TN
Rio SB0093 Hickory Son X Mint Gold 3007
4260 Cromer Road // Rockingham, VA 22802 540-908-5399 // WWW.SEASONSBOUNTYFARM.COM
SB 1086 | Timberline Son Sold to Bill Zwyers of IN
Hickory Kimm 16035 His 8th Lamb Crop
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