Helping you stay
every step of the way
The Secret is in theWater
Around the world, people who live very long lives (over 100 years)
have something in common: they drink water that is high in pH
(8.0-10.0) and rich in minerals.
It is known as ALKALINEWATER!
Through scientific research, it is confirmed that by drinking alka-
line water, the body maintains an optimal pH level, eliminates acid
waste, and puts less stress on the cardiovascular and skeletal
Alkazone® Alkaline Booster Drops:
Neutralize excess acidity
• Boost alkalinity and antioxidants
• Enhances hydration and endurance
• Helps regulate blood pressure and
bodily fluids
• Reduces muscle fatigue and facilitates
athletic recovery
Want to Learn More?
To learn more about proper pH balance and the
importance of alkaline in a healthy diet, call us
at 800-810-1888 or visit us at